Part 2

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Everyone  had breakfast. Shubam was always in a bad mood as ever snapping at everyone. Luv Kush came to Kaira. Karthik hugged his brothers warmly

"All the best you two. I cant believe you two are so big enough to go to college now.both are still my little lovable noodles. You  Just continue the good work you are doing. I am proud of you both" he said as he kissed both their foreheads.

"Luv Kush, all the best. Enjoy your college life. These years are the years which will mould you into a better person as well as professional. Here are your lunch boxes" Naira said, handing over their lunch boxes

"Thank you Bhaiya Bhabhi and Sorry too" Kush said

"Idiots, why should you thank us and why should you be sorry" Karthik said amused

"Thank you for taking care of us  and sorry for being a burden to you. After Mumma Papa died.." Luv said as he stopped for a second.. "After them, you have been taking care of us so hard. Even now, when you are struggling, you are giving us and Mansi the best education. We are willing to go for any job now instead of studying and reduce your and Bhabhi's burden" Luv said his eyes welling up

"Let me tell you both one thing. Next time you say sorry or thank you for doing our duty, I promise I shall never talk to both of you again. And with respect to going for a job, I do not want you guys to do it now, because education is primary. You should never compromise on it." Karthik said sternly, while the brothers looked down. 

"One more thing. You are going to be into a new world now. School was a protected environment. Here circumstances will tempt you to go in a wrong way, but I do not want you to do that. Okay?" Karthik said with his voice still stern

"We are your brothers Bhaiya. We will not do anything wrong and we will make you proud." Luv said smiling

"Offo, mendak stop taking their class. They know things pretty well than you. You know only one thing." Naira said and stuck out her tongue at Karthik

"I know only one thing huh? What is it?" Karthik smirked as he edged closer towards Naira

"Tar.. Tar.. Tar..." Naira said and giggled as Karthik moved further close to her and said " I will show you what else I know?" he whispered

"Bhaiya, we are still here" Kush said and Luv started coughing loudly, bringing Kaira out of their trance

"This alone will never change" Karthik sighed " These two have been the enemies of my romance from even before our wedding" he said and winked at Luv Kush

"Chalo, go and take blessings from the elders and get ready." Karthik said

"Here, take this" Karthik said and took out a 500 rupee note. " I wish I could give you more" Karthik said and sighed deeply.

"Not required Bhaiya. We are travelling by college bus only. Bhabhi has made lunch for us. All books and stationery is also ready. Even after all this, in case of any emergency, we both have hundred rupees each. That is enough Bhaiya." Kush said and walked out as Kaira watched them in pride

"Mr. Karthik Goenka, I am also going to college. Give me 2500 rupees. I am going out with my friends." Shubam said haughtily

Karthik inhaled deeply. The threshold of his patience had reduced significantly these days and he did not want to make a mess out of his anger levels

"Shubam, I cannot give 2500. I can give you 500. We need to buy grocery." Karthik said and handed over a 500 rupees note

"Who wants this" Shubam snapped at him

Dadi thought she should intervene " Shubam beta, please understand, we are going through a tough time now" she said softly hoping he would understand but that shifted him into a higher gear

"Oh so, if it was for your Chachu's sons, you were willing to give them money but not for me. Why? Oh I get it. They studied in a big school , they know English better than me and they are on scholarship. I studied in a village government school, my English is not great and you are paying a management fee for me. Right? But who is responsible for my condition. The great tyagi Mrs. Swarna Goenka. Look at her how she is enjoying the moment now?" Shubam screamed pointing towards Swarna

"SHUT UP"! Karthik also roared, scaring little Sakshi." I can give you 500. Take that if you want or do whatever you want. You are running late for your college bus."Shubam took the money and left the room angrily

Luv Kush took blessings from Dadi and left for college.

Karthik looked at Swarna. He felt bad for hurting her by shouting at Shubam "Sorry Maa. I know I should not have lost me temper like that. He does not seem to understand" he said looking at her

"Its okay beta. I understand your pressure" Swarna said, touching his shoulder

"It is all because of me na Maa? That he is not accepting you as a mother. You sacrificed him for me and see today what has happened. Am sorry Maa. I am proud of Shubam also, I love him as much as Luv Kush, but I am not able to show it to him because something or the other happens and I get angry. I am really proud of him Maa, coming from a small school, today he is doing his MBA with confidence. Its not easy."

"Karthik, you dont need to explain to me. I know your intentions" Swarna said

"Wah Wah. what drama,  For whom are you acting for? " Shubam said clapping his hands and left for college angrily, banging the door 

Manish was quiet seeing everything and went to his room quietly. 

"See Maa, I used to say the same thing to you and Papa. I used to call you both Mr and Mrs Goenka. Today he is doing the same thing to me. I am reaping the fruits of my sins." Karthik said sadly and walked towards the door.

Naira stopped him, hugged him to calm him a bit

"Wait for ten minutes. I shall get ready. You drop me on the bike. We shall drop Sakshi in school also on the way."

"Hmmm" Karthik said and went to his parents room. He felt bad for his father who was upset with the morning's happenings.

"Papa?" he called out softly. Manish turned towards him with moist eyes

"I am sorry for shouting" he said kneeling down near his father's chair and resting his head on Manish's lap.

Manish ruffled his son's hair " I should be saying this. I am sorry beta" he said

"Papa, please don't say this again. We shall get back everything again Papa. Shubam will also understand Maa and me one day" Karthik said forcing a smile.

Manish smiled back " You should be getting late for Sakshi's school"

"Yes Papa, and of she is late, little sherni will eat me alive" Karthik said with a small laugh and left his father in deep thought.


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