Part 8

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Karthik woke up early the next morning. He looked around the room and saw his little daughter sleeping. Naira was nowhere in the room. He walked out of his room and saw Naira standing near the hall window. He was sure she had tears in her eyes, caused by his outburst the earlier day.

He walked to her and softly touched her shoulders. Wiping away the moist in her eyes, she turned to face him. He looked at her, cupped her face and whispered "I am sorry Naira for shouting at you."

"Its okay. I think I do not understand things. I should start the cooking. You make Sakshi ready Karthik." Naira said and hurried to the kitchen.

Karthik felt his temper rising again. He had made an effort to make things alright, but she was just adamant on carrying on thins forward. So be it, he thought. Anger took over all his senses, as he plopped on to a chair in the living room. The morning newspaper had arrived, there was a news on Aditya Bansal on a recent business achievement in the first page. 

His eyes turned red on seeing the picture, his anger on Aditya, which had been directed on Naira, his frustration on his siblings that they were hiding something from him, their situation, his physical and mental exertion, all the emotions bottled inside, rose within him as he picked up the paper, crushed it and through it away on the floor, only for it to land on the feet of his father.

Manish looked at Karthik and turned to Swarna by his side. Karthik had his head buried within his hands. Swarna sat by him and touched him.

"What do you want now, will you leave me alone Naira?" he snapped, realising a second later that it was not Naira.

"Come to the apartment's common area downstairs. We need to have a talk" Manish said sternly and left down the stairs.

Manish was waiting for Karthik, with crossed hands. Karthik stood behind him " Whats your problem Karthik? Everyone is in the same situation as you are, yet they do not keep screaming like you." Manish asked angrily.

Karthik  felt weak. All he wanted at that moment was to run to his father and share all the problems which Aditya was creating. He composed himself and looked down to the floor

"Sorry." was all he could say without meeting Manish's eyes.

"I saw Naira sitting in the living room yesterday, with tears in her eyes, after you had gone to sleep. I did not ask her anything, but I guessed it was because of something which happened between you both, I got my doubts confirmed today morning."

"Why are you so rude to her all the time beta? What wrong did she do? Just imagine, anyone in her place could have taken her husband to her maternal place, leaving the other members of the family to suffer. Naira has stood by us. She declined the help which her family offered and we are all aware that it has caused a small strain in the equation with her maternal family. She does not even have time to talk to them everyday and lives for the family. And you rather than catching hold of her hand, be upset with her? It is not fair Karthik."

"I was just so stressed Papa." Karthik said.

Manish now turned to look at Karthik. " If you should be angry at anyone, it should be at me beta. All this is because of me, Had I treated Akhil..."

"Papa.. shhhh... We have talked about this. The kids must not know anything. I cannot see them break Papa. " Karthik said, holding Manish's hands

"Worry about all this later. First go and make Naira smile" Manish said, patting Karthik's cheeks and left

Karthik still stood down in deep thought. He went up to their apartment again, and went to the kitchen. Naira was busy but he went ahead and pulled her into a hug straightaway without saying anything

Naira closed her eyes as she found her distress melting on her husband's warm chest.

"I am sorry" He said kissing her on the head, for which Naira just hugged him more tightly. 

"Bhaiya... Bhabhi..." came out two voices, making the two realize their position

"Just like your anger, these two will also never change." Naira giggled and ran out of the kitchen. Karthik's face broke out into a small smile, the morning had started well. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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