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The bell rings, signaling the end of the long, dull school day.I pack my stuff and walk out the door.As I leave, I sense a bitter presence near me.

"Ayano." Osano whisper shouted.

I bitterly turn around and fold my arms.I give him a stern look.

"What do you want?" I ask a bit inpatient.

"What were you doing with Megamo?" He asks, he sounded displeased.

"Why do you care?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Ugh! Stop being so difficult and answer my question!" He spat.Osano came closer.His orange eyes consumed with anger.

"No Osano, it's none of your business." I say.

"Now if you excuse me." I back away from him.

"I'm going to my club." With that, I go to the Cooking Club.

I open the door and see Amao, humming a cheerful tune.In his hands, he had a little box decorated in light pink stripes.A little satin bow was wrapped around the box.He admired the box.

"Amao.." I say shyly, trying to get his attention.

He turns around and gives me a warm genuine smile.He puts the box behind him and walks towards me.

"Yan-chan!" He seemed happy to see me.

He embraces me with a hug.His brotherly love smothered me.

Surprisingly, I hug him back.Something about him is so...stirring.

"Where's the others?" I ask Amao.

"I might have told them that there will be no after school activities this week." He quietly says.

"A-Amao! Why will you say that?" I asked, shocked.

"Umm-I wanted to spend some time with you." His pale cheeks turned into a light shade of pink.


He gives me a grin and then turns around and gets the box.

"Here!" He says joyfully.He handed me the little striped box.

I tilt my head. "What is this?"

"It's a gift Ayano-open it."

I was hesitant.I only received gifts from my father, but I only opened them to please him.I glance at Amao.He looked so eager, like a child about to get candy.

I gave in and gently pull the satin bow off the box.I open it and see dozen of freshly baked cookies.

"I made them just for you, Ayano." Amao says.His voice sounded sincere.

"Thank you Amao, you are very kind."I faintly smile.

"You are very kind, Odayaka." Someone says.

I turn around and see Kizano, nonchalantly leaning in the door.He had a smirk on his face.

"Kizano-kun!" Amao says surprised.

"What brings you here." Amao asks.

"Well, my club members and I decided that we're going to do a play for the Cherry Blossom Festival." Kizano says.

"But we don't know what Play we're going to do.We will be very happy if you could help us decide." He adds.

"Really? Well of course I'll help."Amao says happily.

"Great." Kizano claps his hands.

"Just go to the Drama Room, I'll meet you there." He says.

"Of course." Amao walks off.

I'm then alone with Kizano.He gives me look, like he wants to say something.

"I see you and Amao." Kizano teasingly says.

"W-What?! No!, it's not like that." I say flustered.

"Hmm." He judges me.

He then sighs and gives a devilish look.He comes closer and lifts my chin up with his finger.Are faces were only inches apart.

"You know Ayano, I could get you better gifts than that "Perky Baker" can give you.." He whispers.

He then walks off, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Leaving me confused as hell...

~Later, at home~

I lay in my bed, wondering what Kizano meant by "Better Gifts". I actually thought Amao gift was a nice thought.

But that's Kizano. Arrogant but charming. Or at least is what I here from some girls.

My eyes get heavier and heavier.I better sleep, or I won't wake up early.

~The Next Day~

This time, I only walked with Amao and Aso to school.I guess Osano is still mad at the argument we had and Kizano, I don't know.

"Come on you guys! Pick up the pace!" Aso chirped.He, of course, was ahead of us.

"Aso! Don't rush us!" Amao said.

"Then hurry up!" Aso says.

We then arrive at school.We then see crowds of students near the lockers.

"What now?" Aso says.

I squeeze inside the crowd and try to see what all the commotion was about.I then saw...roses?

The roses were scattered everywhere.They were placed in beautifully decorated baskets.Red were the color of the roses.The roses were all near a locker.MY locker.

I was confused.

I go near the my locker.People then started to whisper.I then spot an envelope.I open it and see a note inside.

To my one and only, Juliet

I hope you liked the roses, they remind me of you.They're so perfect, so delicate.Like you.

From yours truly, Kizano

Really Kizano?

How extra...

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