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Missing Each Other

It's been a whole month since me and Chanyeol's duet.

I've missed him so much.

We haven't seen each other for almost two and half weeks. That's the longest we've been apart and it really hurts me.

I was sitting in our dorm near the window in the living room. I was sitting on the window seat, watching the rain race down the foggy window.

I leaned my head against the cold glass as I sighed deeply.

Jennie was with Jisoo as they were visiting family. Lisa was at a friend's birthday party while I was stuck here, home alone.

At least I had Kai and Kuma, I thought as I saw them chomping down their food in the kitchen.

I sighed once again as I felt my phone buzz in my sweater pocket.

I was wearing a black sweater with some light pink sweatpants to keep me warm from the cold air inside the house along with fuzzy socks to keep my feet from freezing.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and turned it on to see what my notification was.

It was a message.

From Chanyeol.

Pcy: Hey, I'm sorry we haven't really talked, I've just been so busy with our new comeback, please forgive me

I would always forgive you Chanyeol

Rose: I forgive you, it's okay I understand

Pcy: I really miss you Rose, a lot

Rose: I miss you too Chanyeol

Pcy: Where are you right now? I'm coming to see you since I have a bit of free time.

Rose: I'm at my house right now

Pcy: Is Lisa there? She always pesters us XD

Rose: Haha, nooo, I'm alone in the house right now

Pcy: Okay then, I'll be over in a few

Oh no! Chanyeol's coming over like right now!

I started to panic because I knew I wasn't ready and neither was the house.

The house was a bit messy from this morning when the members were making breakfast. Well, at least trying to make breakfast.

Lisa had burnt the toast and the eggs, while Jisoo had broken a plate while Jennie almost smashed the toaster because she couldn't manage to work it properly.

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