PREVIOUSLY ON REAL WORLD *shows previous episode* TONIGHT ON THE REAL WORLD *shows tonight preview* EPISODE STARTS
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*Everyone cheers* *Shows everyone drinking* *shows them living out of club* *shows Justus and Shawn carrying out sammy* Shawn intv- i think Sammy had a lil to much fun tonight lmfao *Shows them walking down street* *they get home* *shawn & Justus lay Sammy down* 5 mins later Monica- so what do you do ? Clarence- I'm an engineer i produce music i make beats Monica- that's dope i actually sing Clarence- word?!? Sing some for me right now Monica- ok *Monica sings* Monica- you've got the words to change a nation but your biting your tongue , you spent a life time stuck in silence so afraid you'll say something wrong if no one never hears it how they going to learn your song so come come on come come on You got a heart as loud as lions so why let your voice be tamed baby we're a little different there's no need to be ashamed you've got the light to fight the shadow so stop hiding it away come on come onnnnnm I wanna sing i wanna shout i wanna scream till the words dry outtt so put it in all of the papers I'm not afraid we can read all about it read all aboutttt it *Clarence claps* Calerence- oh shit you sound good Monica- thanks Clarence intv- Monicas voice sounds so good it's just beautiful and i hope we can work with eachother while here or in the future Clarence- maybe we can get some coooking while we out here Monica- i already know .. i had plans on coming here to have fun but work on my music Clarence- same goal same goal Monica intv- Clarence and i are on the same page when it comes to our careers and working with him may be a good idea but only time would tell *Shows everybody sleep* *Shows Sammy passed out*
NEXT DAY 24 hours till exes arrives
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*Shows Temi washing face* *shows Justus in shower* *shoes Shawn brushing teeth* Kali- so honestly do you guys think we're going to have a twist this season Tee- based off last season maybe but not really because they just went coast to coast Monica- if we had a twist I'm pretty sure we would have been known about it you know Kali- true *Shows Sammy walking downstairs* Shawn- oh shit look at who finally woke *Shows Sammy laughing* Sammy intv- last night i had a ball I'm guessing because i dot remember nun lol Producer- you was passed or drunk Sammy intv- who helped me in lmfaoo Producer- Sammy and Justus *Shows everybody in kitchen* Justus- Aye so what's the plans today Temi- it's early still so i mean we could go get breakfast Clarence- I'm down Tee- let's get it *Shows Monica doing hair* *shows Sammy taking shower* *Shows Justus putting oil on kitchen floor* Justus intv- the house is a little boring and everyone is getting ready to go get brunch so this the perfect time to play a prank and tee is my first victim hehehehe Justus- TEE HURRY UP AND RUN IN HERE LOOK AT THIS Tee- wtf *shows tee running downstairs* *Tee runs in kitchen and slips* Justus- BOOM LMFAOOOOOOO Tee- yo i hate you lmfaoo help me up *Shows Justus trying to help tee up* *he pushes her back down* Tee-LMFAOOOO fuck you Justus Justus- ok i quit * he helps her up* Tee intv- Justus prank didn't bother me it was funny as shit and i like to play around sometimes to so payback is going to be bad for him lol Shawn- AYE LETS GOOO *everybody gets into vans* *van drives* BRUNCH