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*shows previous episode*
*shows tonight preview*

*shows Sasha tieing hair*
Sasha- ok so hit me tee
Tee intv- right now Sasha is really trying me and i have never thought about putting my hands on her untill now
*shows tee walking up on Sasha*
Tee- bro you tripping I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt
Sasha- hit me tee
*Tee gets closer*
*tee swings*
*tee misses*
*Shows security running in*
*security separates them*
Sasha- wowwww and you missed
Justus-tee come this way
*Justus walks away with tee*
Justus - just ignore her bruh she wanna see u mad for no reason
Tee- I'm cool , I'm cool
Justice- good
1 hour later
*Shows temi on computer*
Temi intv- it's a lot of tension in the loft so I'm in the computer looking for some fun places for everyone to go and i came across this bowling alley i think will be fun
*Temi walks upstairs to tell everyone about bowling*
*Shows temi currying hair*
*Shows Monica doing her makeup*
*sasha does her hair*
*Shows the guys getting ready*
*3 vans cabs arrive*
*everyone walks out the door*
*shows everyone getting into different vans*
*the cabs drives off*
*Shows everyone walking in*
Shawn- ighit let's do guys against girls
Justus- let's get it then
Princess- ohhhh y'all want to do it like that ok let's do it
Kali intv- the guys want to do girls vs boys and i think that's a good idea let's show them that girls are better than boys
*shows everyone having fun*

Tee- I NEVER PUT MY HANDS ON YOU BUT TODAY  MIGHT BE THAT DAY *shows Sasha tieing hair*Sasha- ok so hit me tee Tee intv- right now Sasha is really trying me and i have never thought about putting my hands on her untill now *shows tee walking up on...

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*Shows the cast bowling*
*Sammy makes a strike*
*shows ball falling out of temi's hands*
*everybody laughs*
*Clarence walks to food bar*
Clarence- yeah can i just get a large drink
Nikky intv- i see clearance walking off to the food bar and i feel its a good opportunity to at least try to get one word out of him
*Nikky walks to him*
Nikky- hey Clarence
*Clarence looks at her*
Nikky- you not go speak back?
Clarence- hello, sup, how you doing,  that's good?
Clarence intv- nikky doesn't understand that i won't nothing to do with her at the moment i need time to think and she not respecting that
Nikky- i just want to talk to you clearance
*Clearance looks at her*
Nikky- can we please talk
Clarence- ...ok talk wassup
Nikky- we'll i expected a more warm welcoming being i haven't seen you in years , you don't think i deserve that
Clearance- nah i don't at all
Nikky- and why not
Clarence- you broke up with me over text nikky you could of at least had the balls to tell me in person don't you think i deserved THAT
Nikky- you did deserve that and I'm sorry but you have to understand i was in a tough situation and we were young i was stuck
Clarence -and you don't think i was in a tough situation to being idk why tf my girlfriend that i love so much just broke up with me over text
Nikky- i get that
Clarence- nah you don't cause you selfish and if u did get it u would have been reached out to y'all to me way after you broke it off
*nikky looks at him*
Clearance- you wanted to talk but you quiet ? You have nun to say?
Nikky- idk what to say
Clarence- right just don't say nun
*Clearance walks off*
Clarence intv- i might look like a complete asshole but only me and her know what we went through together and for things to end the way it did just wasn't cool
Sammy- ok i got the last roll against princess this determines who wins
Princess- let's get it
*They both roll*
*Sammy makes another strike*
*princess makes a sphere*
Tee- Yeahhhhhhh
Lawerence- this goes to prove us guys are wayyy better
George- girls suck
Jilly- whatever
Kali- screw yalll
Brooklyn- uhhhh whatever
*Shows everybody leaving bowling alley*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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