Chapter Twentytwo: I don't have time for this.

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(Note: check out the speed paint of this picture on my channel. Enjoy the chapter!!!)

-EXE was in one of the city's dark allies, kicking every trashcan that got in his way. He was trying to look for Roscoe so he could take him home to Sonic. EXE kicked another trashcan out of his way.
"That damn cat is gonna get it when I find him. Worrying Sonic like that."
-He finally came out of the dark ally and found himself in a strange, dark part of the city. Oh great. He started searching for the cat while trying to avoid trouble.
-He passed by two guys that were holding each other in the necks and punching one another. When they noticed that EXE walked by they stopped and glared at him. EXE stopped and looked back.
"Enjoying your day boys?" He said with humor. The guys said nothing and still glared at him.
-EXE sighed, "Tough crowd now and days huh?" He started walking again as the two continued punching one another. I really hope that cat isn't here. He then heard meowing coming from his left, "That's him alright."
-He started walking to where the meowing came from. He found himself in another dark ally and continued on. He then spotted a green hedgehog. The hedgehog was sitting on an old box wearing red sunglasses and a black leather jacket with flames on the elbow part.
-Then a blue-gray cat came up to the green hedgehog and started patting his legs as if he was demanding that he play with him. The hedgehog put his red sunglasses on his forehead and looked at the cat  "What the hell do you want?" He asked sternly. The cat flattened his ears and showed hurt in his green eyes. That is Roscoe.
-EXE walked up to the green hedgehog, "Hey Scourge, is it fine that I take my cat back?"
-Scourge looked at his direction and smiled, "Well if ain't ol' Sonic.EXE! How ya been?" EXE knew Scourge well. There was one time when Scourge was in jail and EXE busted him out for some reason that he didn't remember. Scourge had been grateful ever since and respected him.
-EXE coughed, "Can I have my cat back?" He asked again.
-Scourge looked at Roscoe, "This cat is yours?"
-EXE put one hand on his hip, "Well, technically it belongs to a friend, and he really wants him back."
-Scourge put his sunglasses back over his eyes, "Well, then go ahead and take him. I ain't got any use for a tom."
-EXE looked at Roscoe, "Roscoe, c'mere." Roscoe looked at EXE's direction and sprang up meowing with joy. He ran over to EXE and started rubbing against his leg.
-EXE looked back at Scourge and grined, "Thanks." He said less enthusiastic.
-Scourge turned over looking at the ally wall, "Hey, we're even now."
-As the two hedgehogs said their goodbyes EXE and Roscoe were leaving the ally. EXE looked at Roscoe who was walking with his head and tail up high, "You do realize you're in big trouble, right?"
-Roscoe meowed back his reply, though EXE obviously couldn't understand, "You made Sonic worried sick, and think about how he's feeling not knowing where I am." Roscoe lowered his tail, but he still kept his head up high.

-They finally left the city. EXE was feeling relieved to have the fresh air of trees again. They were right beside the woods walking home. Roscoe then stopped and looked at the woods.
-EXE stopped and looked at Roscoe, "What's the hold up?" Roscoe had perked his ears and dashed into the woods, "What the hell Roscoe!!!"
-EXE then remembered what Sonic said earlier. Roscoe never goes into the woods! If Roscoe was going into the woods then there was a good reason for it. EXE started following Roscoe into the woods.
-EXE found Roscoe going around a tree. EXE followed and stopped. On the other side of the tree was a little girl. She was a cat with light blue fur, pink hair, and wore a bright yellow dress with matching shoes. The little girl was crying and kept whispering to herself. Roscoe looked at EXE with pleading eyes.
-EXE snorted, "I don't have time for this. C'mon Roscoe, we need to get home."
-Roscoe hissed and growled as EXE tried to walk away. Does he really expect me to help a girl I don't even know? And why does he seem to understand a lot of things? When EXE didn't talk Roscoe ran to EXE and nipped his leg.
"Ow! Hey!" EXE brought his leg back. Roscoe continued hissing at EXE. Damn cat! "Alright, fine! I'll help her."
-Roscoe calmed down and ran for the girl. The girl looked at the cat, her tears drying. Roscoe turned his head when EXE walked to the girl.
"Alright little girl. What's wrong?" He would've asked for her name first, but he was in a hurry to get Roscoe back home.
-The little girl sniffed and wiped her eye, "My leg hurts, and I don't know where I am." EXE sighed. Of course! The little girl tried to smile, but it was obvious that she was about to burst in tears again.
-EXE bent down and put his hand on her shoulder, "Hey, don't cry. I'm going to get you home. Where do you live?"
-She sat up straight, "I live in a pent house in the city."
"Ah, so you're one of the rich little girls." He tried to lighten up the mood a bit.
-The girl giggled, "I guess so. I'm Syria by the way."
"My friends call me EXE, nice to meet you Syria," EXE looked and found some vines, "You said your leg hurts, right? Can you move it at all?" Syria shook her head. That means her leg is broken.
-He grabbed the vines and found a long straight stick. EXE then put the stick against her broken leg and wrapped the vines around it and tied it tight.
-EXE stood up and held his hand out to her, "I know where the city is. Can you find your way from there?" Syria nodded and grabbed his hand. EXE had Syria put her arm on his shoulders and started walking. Roscoe stood right beside Syria making sure she didn't trip on anything.

-They were back at the city. EXE removed Syria's arm from his shoulders, "Is it far?"
-Syria shook her head, "I'll be fine now. Thank you so much EXE! I won't forget this ever!" Syria went to hug EXE and petted Roscoe. She said her goodbyes and started walking away.
-EXE noticed that people were looking at him in a funny way and whispering to one another. EXE looked at Roscoe, "Let's get out of here already." Roscoe meowed in agreement and they started out of the city.

-When they were out once again something caught EXE's eye. In the woods stood Zalgo! EXE tensed and flexed his claws. Roscoe clearly noticed the danger and hid behind EXE, claws extended, teeth baring, and his fur bushed out.
-EXE bared his fangs, "You finally decided to show up huh Zalgo?"
-Zalgo said nothing. He was just staring at EXE with no interest whatsoever. EXE narrowed his eyes. What is he thinking?
-Zalgo then started walking slowly towards EXE. EXE kept his eyes narrowed and extended his own claws. Zalgo stood in front of him now, looking down at him. EXE didn't dare move.
-Zalgo then brought his attention to Roscoe. The cat hissed and flattened his ears while backing up more behind EXE. Zalgo quietly laughed and looked back at EXE, "It seems you've become even more soft."
-EXE straightened up and locked his gaze with Zalgo's, "So what? I don't see anything wrong with that."
-Zalgo closed his eyes and started giggling, "That partner of yours sure has changed you." Partner. He meant Sonic.
"Why are you here Zalgo? And why aren't you trying to kill me?"
-Zalgo opened his eyes again and stood back up. He smirked evily and turned to walk back into the woods. EXE perked his ears and opened his eyes fully, "Hey! I asked you a question! Come back here you bastard!!!" Zalgo continued into the woods and disappeared.
-Silence took over the scene. EXE looked back at Roscoe. The young tom seemed to calm down, but his ears were still flattened and his claws were still out. What was that all about?
'EXE shook his head and picked up Roscoe, "Let's go home now." He then activated his super speed and headed straight for home.

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