Chapter Nineteen

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      Calypso found herself visiting Helena in Ravenclaw Tower the morning of the first Quidditch match of the year. She was exhausted from staying longer at her lessons with Professor Arcturus and he was pushing her harder than ever. She still had yet to truly grasp Legilimency and she was beginning to think more and more about her mother's vision of her death.

       "My mother and Hecate were naturally good at Occlumency and Legilimency," Helena said once Calypso told her the reasons she was feeling more stressed than usual. Helena had been angry at first when Calypso came because Calypso had been visiting her less frequently but that was only because she had been extremely busy. "In fact, I think they were amongst the most advanced in their skills. I never shared their talent, but it was the one thing they had in common. They could enter people's minds painlessly and without them knowing, they could create false memories whenever other Legilimens tried to see inside their mind — a skill that can take others a lifetime to master. They also had the gift of the Inner Eye."

        "I know the Inner Eye is what allowed my mum to see that vision of me, but what does all of this have to do with me? I've never had a vision before." Calypso asked, curiously.

       "Hecate's husband was a Seer and I think that's why your bloodline has the gift of Sight." Helena explained to Calypso. "It's kind of like how all descendants of Slytherin are Parseltongues. All descendants of Ravenclaw are naturally skilled at Occlumency and Legilimency and all descendants of Hecate have the gift of Sight."

      "But why haven't I ever had one of these visions before? And if I'm naturally skilled at Legilimency then why am I doing so bad with it?"

       "The gift of Sight doesn't always appear in every single descendent of Ravenclaw and, if it does, it can manifest at different stages of your life. As for Legilimency, maybe you're the one holding yourself back." Hecate asked. "What have you seen in Professor Arcturus's memories so far?"

        "Just stuff about my parents when they went here. I don't know much about their lives before they had Ophelia and I. Arcturus told me a few things but my knowledge doesn't extend much past that."

        "Are you nervous? About finding something in his memories that might change your view on your parent's relationship?"

       "Look, it's not like . . ." Calypso sighed. "My dad isn't a stand up guy, I know this, but I know nothing about who my mum was. It's never made sense to me how someone like my dad could end up with someone like hre. What if what I find in Arcturus's memories changes my view of her?"

         "Calypso, what you see in Arcturus's memories doesn't matter. You know your mother. You've grown up with her and you've always said that she's been nothing but kind to you." Helena said softly. "Is there something else bothering you?"

        "It's just . . . My dad used an Unforgivable on me, my sister left us to go to him and me and her aren't speaking, and sometimes I think Ophelia may be right about what she said. What if  my mum is starting a new family without me? What if everyone is just leaving me behind?" Calypso asked.

          "Oh, Cal —"

        Calypso shook her head as though she could shake the sadness she was beginning to feel. Sometimes, she felt like her mum had completely forgotten about her. She knew Alex and her baby needed to be safe and that her leaving was only temporary, but didn't her mum care about her safety too?

         "It's fine. I'm probably overreacting." Calypso said, standing up. "I should go downstairs. Today's the first Quidditch game and James'll need a pep talk."

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