25. You give him the silent treatment

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Scott: "Hey (y/n)!" Scott said, coming up beside you and kissing you on the cheek. You were at your locker, shoving your books in it, as you just gave him a glance. Last night Scott promised he'd call you after he got back from some sort of meeting with the alpha pack, but he never did, leaving you a worried mess. "What's up?" He asked, as you just continued shoving books in your locker. When you didn't answer, he tried again. "(y/n), are you okay?" he asked concerned as you just shut your locker and walked in the opposite direction to your class. "Whoa wait!" he called after you, running in front of you, causing you to stop moving completely. "What's wrong, why won't you talk to me?" He asked upset, as you finally looked him in the eyes. You knew you couldn't stay mad at him for long, and looking at his face right now that resembled a kicked puppy in the rain, made you break down your silent treatment. "You were supposed to call me yesterday," you whispered, "I was worried sick. I actually called Stiles to see if he knew where you were." He looked at you finally understanding and brought you into his arms. "I'm so sorry," he said right in your ear, "so, so, sorry. I'll make sure I call next time okay?" He released you from the hug as you just nodded your head, taking his hand in yours and walking to class together.

Stiles: "BAAAAAABBBBEEE," Stiles whined in your ear for about the third time within the last minute. He had run off with Scott after school, once again, leaving you stranded at the school with no ride. "I told you I was sorry," he said as you flipped mindlessly through a magazine that you had no interest in actually reading. "Please just talk to me," he pleaded as you ignored his attempts. "Call me stupid, call me an idiot, call me something!" he said, wanting only to hear your voice. You turned to him and spoke confidently. "You are a big stupid idiot," you said as he shoved his hands in the air. "YES! I'm a big stupid idiot!" He yelled, happy that you were talking to him. Just at that moment, his dad walked in, and just stared at his son who was calling himself an idiot. "I don't want to know," Sheriff Stilinski said, walking away, leaving you to fall to the ground laughing.

Derek: Derek had once again failed to inform you that he was going off to fight with the alpha pack. It's not like you thought he couldn't handle himself or anything, it just made you worry. I mean he would leave in the middle of the night, and sometimes not be back till morning. And when he came home all bloody once again, you just couldn't handle it. He threw his keys on his dresser, stripping of his shirt, and climbed into bed next to you. He watched you as you just stared at the opposite wall, not used to your silent behavior. By now, you usually would have been bombarding him with questions, but instead you stayed quiet. "What's wrong?" He asked, pulling you closer to him, as you just avoided his gaze. "(y/n)?" he asked again, as you closed your eyes. "Babe, what's wrong?" he asked, being persistent. You opened your eyes, looking into his, finally spoke. "You were with the alpha pack, again. Weren't you?" You asked, already knowing the answer to your question. He just watched you with a blank expression as you sighed. "Can you at least tell me when you're leaving please?" You said pretty loudly, causing him to flinch back a little. Yes, you made the Derek Hale flinch. You knew how to handle him, and with you, he was a total mush. "Sure babe," he said a little taken aback as you just smiled. "Good," you mumbled, bringing yourself closer to him and snuggling into his chest.

Isaac: "You knew that you were supposed to be here three hours ago!" You yelled at Isaac who was just now walking through your door. "Derek had me training again, and I couldn't get to my phone," Isaac explained as you scoffed. Thats the second time this week he had been late because of training. "Yeah whatever," you mumbled. "I'm sorry okay?" he said as you just stayed quiet. "Okay?" Isaac asked again as you crossed your arms over your chest. "What, your just going to ignore me now?" He asked getting kind of annoyed. "Really mature (y/n)," he said again. "Will you shut up! I'm giving you the silent treatment!" you said as he just smirked. "But you just talked," he stated as you narrowed your eyes at him."No I didn't" you said, stomping off into the other room. "But you just talked again," he laughed as you yelled from the other room. "NO I DIDN'T ISAAC!" you yelled as he followed you into the other room. "But you did it again," he laughed, about to fall over from laughing so hard.

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