Charlie - Chapter 3: Partners

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Metal clanged as my body was thrown into a granite slab, arms held by a thick rope. An unamused man clicked a key into the door of the prison cell, the iron bars slamming shut behind me.

I supported myself against the wall at the opposite end of the cage, teeth clenched. Blood riddled my face, ever-so-gently reminding me that I was outsmarted by a pair of second-rate englishmen. Outside of the cell was one of them.

His back was turned in my direction; I wondered what my chances were of grabbing him. If I could reach far enough, I could twist his arm back or knock him out against the bars of the cell. That's assuming he didn't have enough time to fight back or scream.

I sighed. Then there's the ropes around my arms. That stops me from doing much of anything.

I cursed the walls of the tower--then myself, for getting trapped here in the first place. I would have benifited from some pre-planning.


My head hit against the stone behind me, followed by a forward push that landed me straight into the floor, "Yaaaaaah!" I shouted, wincing in pain. What the heck?!

The next moment, the guard was staring at me. He gripped his weapon in front of him from the outside of the cell, wide-eyed, "What's going on!"

I looked at him from the floor, brimming with rage. Damn it! The last thing I need is to draw attention to myself!

"Er--Everything's A-OK!" I replied, smiling at him, "My--uh, erm--Legs--eh, s--spasmed... Ha! Ha..." I screamed internally, replaying the line in my head. Spasmed?

As if to add more effect, I threw my legs into the air like they had a mind of their own. The guard studied me worriedly before giving up.

"Well try controlling them, will you? One more noise and I alert the rest of the tower." he lowered his tone, annoyed, "Not like it matters... Every prisoner dies here, anyway..."

I exhaled in relief, hoisting my body so that my back was against the floor. With my head facing upwards, I could see whatever pushed me from behind. Judging by the looks of it, though, nothing was there... The wall was just as it should be, and--



A brick popped out of it, flying straight into my gut. I didn't get a chance to scream--the weight stole the air right out of me.

Oof! I heaved it off before regaining composure, searching for the source of the push. Just then another brick popped from the wall, flying towards the ground. I caught it with my feet. Geez!

Through a newly formed gap, a pair of eyes stared at me.

I returned the gaze in frustration, moving closer to the hole. I lowered my voice to a harsh whisper, "What's going on?"

"Don't speak... I'm helping you escape!" Answered the person on the other end.

My eyes widened as I nodded, ready to try anything. Cold fingers met with my hands, freeing them from the rope.

"...there." the voice whispered.

I moved my arms, beaming, "Wow. Thanks!"

A panicked shout broke through our conversation, followed by the drawing of a weapon.

"P--Prison-break!" shouted the man outside, "G--"

In a heartbeat, a snake-like rope lassoed around his neck. His body plummeted towards the cell, slamming hard into the bars. He wailed in agony as he dropped to the floor.

Next to me stood the owner of the voice that freed me--a tattered girl with wisps of blond hair that shined like the Sun. She was probably of the lower class, but that didn't break her confidence. Her eyes were a bright blue, radiating above the cockiest smile I had ever seen in my life. 

"He'll be out for some time." she said, wrapping the rope up as she swung it across her back, "I caught him around his neck, so the only problem left is whoever heard him."

"Oh..." I studied her carefully, dumbfounded, "Um--Do I know you?"

"I don't think so. But if you didn't realize, we've got bigger problems." she said, reaching into the guard's pockets on the other side of the bars, "Haha! A key--let's put it in the door!"

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Listen." she hurried, "There's a buttload of treasures here. I'm just passing through."

"So you're a thief." I interjected.

"That's right." she grinned, "So unless you want to stay here, you better follow me."


In the darkness of an abandoned hallway, I drew a sword from my side. Two stories underneath, its owner was paralyzed in a prison cell.

"The place we're going to is on the other side of the tower, next to a set of barracks. Moving across the ramparts will be the easiest way to get there." the girl probed the area before climbing a flight of stairs, "Once we make it, we should find loads of valuables. I hear it's stocked with money!"

"The Jewel House, you mean." I kept an eye out for guards, "Let's just say you're not the only one whose informed. It's going to be tough to get there with all of the knights in our way." I placed my hands against the wall, "They raided this tower three months ago--but the treasury is under lock and key. Only someone from the original owners--The Knights Templar--can open it, unless we force our way in."

"Well, well." the girl smirked, "Sounds like you could make a great partner."

"Thanks." I replied, "The name's Charlie."

"Clare." she returned. A proud expression covered her face before changing to determination.

Footsteps hurried from above, descending towards our direction. They were followed by a gruff declaration, "Intruders! Thieves!"

"Shoot." I drew my sword, entering a battle stance. This wasn't going to look pretty, "Back away, Clare--I can handle this!" I held the longsword firm, positioning my left leg behind me. Years of training were about to be put into action.

A furious man rounded the corner of the stairs, eyeing me down before charging with a battle axe. I ducked my head as his blade swung past me, crashing into the wall. He lost his balance, stumbling down the steps with his weapon lodged in the stone.

"Not the smartest idea," I said, ripping it free with my hand.

A pair of soldiers came next, brandishing a spear and a sword. I gripped the machete like a projectile, throwing it at the first man's lance. The tip sliced straight off, scaring him out of his wits.

"By God's bones!" he shrieked.

"A stroke of luck." said the second one, smiling devilishly. He approached me with precision, taking his first hit at my chest. I evaded backwards, meeting my blade against his. Sparks flew, locking our weapons together.

"Die!" he hissed.

I grunted, swiveling my body around so that it faced the same direction as him. Our swords separated, driving his weapon away from me as I smashed him in the forehead with my hilt. He dropped to the floor.

At the same time, his partner screamed. An axe was against his head, held in the hands of you guess who. She smiled wide.

"Don't hurt me!" he begged, "Please!"

"Just do as I say." she ordered, shaking him threateningly, "I want answers about the valuables here. Otherwise---" she chuckled, sliding the blade towards his pelvis "I just might steal your jewels instead."

He shrieked, crossing his legs in desperation, "I'll tell you anything!"

"Well, well." I grabbed a knife from one of the bodies, handing it to Clare, "Sounds like you could make a great partner."

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