Chapter 11

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Lillian's father in the MM/ Continuation of chapter 10

As Lillian laid asleep I had my arms wrapped around her with my hand resting on her butt. After we got the baby situated we finished our project and was chillin in my room but Lillian fell asleep so.

To be honest man this is the best feeling ever I mean just imagine if she was my girl, we'd be like this all the time.

Lillian started stirring in her sleep and opened her eyes to reveal her big brown orbs. I smiled down her and she smiled back at me showing me her pearly whites.

"Hey" she said barely above a whisper but I still heard her

"Hey" I said still smiling down at her.

She sat up from being under my arms and I instantly felt cold without her being in my arms. She wiped her eyes from any eye boogers and yawned.

"Do you have an extra toothbrush I can use?" she asked while looking back at me.

"Yea' I responded and continued to get up and walk towards my bathroom and grab a toothbrush for her. As I looked back at Lillian I noticed she was staring at me, did I mention I wasn't wearing a shirt?

I just chuckled and sat the toothbrush on the sink and grabbed a clean washcloth so she can wash her face.

As she walked past me towards the bathroom I slapped her ass and bit my lip as I watched it jiggle.

"You're so nasty" she said while smiling

I just shrugged my shoulders and went to go put a shirt on so I can get ready to take her home. About five minutes later she came out the bathroom ready to go.

I grabbed my keys and we made our way downstairs to my car.

We are now in front of Lillian house just having a steamy make out session. She then pulled away and wiped the remaining lip gloss off my lips and smiled

"Aight ma I see you tomorrow" I said

"Okay Daniel bye" she said and got and grabbed the baby from back seat and walked off into the house.

Lillian POV -

As soon as I got into the house I was greeted with a slap of the face by my mother.

"YOU OUT HERE BEING A FAT WHORE NOW!!" she yelled and then threw the white lingerie Daniel bought me. How could she have found this? She must have gone through my stuff.


"Chile I needed some money to buy something and I knew you had it" she said while wiping her nose.

I ran upstairs and checked the shoebox in my wall at the back of my closet and sure enough half of it was gone.

Ugh I can't believe she did that this is money that my dad sends me every month and I was saving it for college and now it's gone. It took me 8 months to collect all that cash.

As I slid down the wall in my closet and I brought my knees up to my chess and started sobbing uncontrollably.

I have to leave but I have nowhere to go.

I know...My father I haven't seen since I was 8 but I found his address on google maps and wrote it down but never had enough courage to go to him

I stood up and started grabbing things of my hanger and throwing them in a overnight bag. I grabbed under garments and most of my clothes and hygiene products and packed that to.

Hopefully he accepts me. As I made my way downstairs I was approached by mom.

"Where the hell you think your going?" she asked

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