Chapter 1

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Normal Pov.
It was a boring day, Wally was in the kitchen eating, M'gann was baking cookies, Superboy was watching TV along with Robin and Aqualad, Artemis like always was training with Black Canary and Green Arrow.
"Team report to the mission room immediately." Batman called over the intercoms. As normal Wally got there first, a few seconds later so did Robin, Aqualad, M'gann, Superboy. Artemis, Black Canary and Green Arrow came in last.
"What took you so long?" Wally asked smirking.
"Sorry we were training like always and we had to put the equipment away as well." Black Canary said.
"Team there is a fire at 345 Second Street in Gotham, ( I just picked random numbers and street for this because I don't know Artemis' address)the fire is spreading every second. You need to stop it before it can get out of control, but be careful you can't put the fire with anything that you usually use to put a fire out. Understand?" Batman explain really quick.
"Ok." Everyone except Artemis which caused everyone to look at the spot she was.
"Where did Artemis go?" Wally asked very concerned about their blonde Archer.
"Then this is one mission you will have to do without her. Now go before the fire gets worse." Batman said with concern in his voice.

Artemis' Pov.
We were putting the equipment up after training. Once we finished we sprinted to the mission room, everyone was already there.
"What took you guys so long?" Kid Idiot asked.
"Sorry we were training and we had to put the equipment up as well." Black Canery said
"Team there is a fire at 345 second street in Gothem" As soon as Batman said that my eyes went wide. I knew my dad set the fire to my house because he wants me to belong to him again. I ran to the Zeta tubes. I typed in Gothem then went in.
'Recognized Artemis B07" the computer said. When I got to Gothem, I sprinted to my house which was only a few blocks away. Half way there I started to run on the roofs to get there faster. Once I got there I started to shoot my arrows with a chemical formula that can put out the fire. When the fire was out I ran in to the building looking for my mom. When I did find her, she was passed out and have third degree burns all over her body. I nearly broke down in to tears. I checked to see if she had a pulse. Thankfully she did but it was weak. I picked her up bridle style and ran outside. When I got outside my team was already there. Suddenly she went limp in my arms, I checked her pulse. There was none, at that moment I broke down into tears. I laid her down on the ground and started doing CPR. After I did six times, there still was no pulse and I knew she was gone. I cried even harder, she was my last family member. I hugged her body and picked her head up so she was laying on my lap.
"No..No you can't leave me too. Please doN'T LEAVE ME. I AM BEGGING YOU PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DID. I WAS SUPPOSE TO KEEP THIS FAMILY FROM FALLING APART AND I FAILED, BUT DON'T LEAVE. NO. PLEASE NO. I LOVE YOU. I CAN AFFORD TO LOOSE YOU TO. We might not have been close, but please I can't loose you, please mom. I love you, I will do anything to have you back, just please don't leave me." I said in between sobs. My team was going to comfort me but the Justice League arrived and told them to leave me be. I was so focused on my mom that I did not hear my childhood house collapse behind, when it did though everyone started to yell. I finally was able to stop crying enough to give her to GA to reserved her body until the funeral. When I turned around to see the damage to my house because I didn't realized it fell, I broke down at the site.
"NO! My home. My belongings. Everything is gone. My mom. My childhood home is all GONE! Everything that has happened in that house. All the beatings, the training, fights, the arguments, the pain and suffering, my blood spilled, the people who was there to see my dad. It is all gone and all because he is a psychopath jerk, who wants me to join him. He already took my sister from me, now he has to take my mom's life, and my childhood home. What more does he have to take away from me to be satisfied?" I said choking every now and then. Kid flash came up to me and pulled me into a hug and allowed me to cry into his chest while he whispered smoothing things in my ear. I felt my eyes start to droop. The next thing I knew I was asleep.

Kid Flash's Pov.
When we arrived the fire was already out. We asked the firemen what happened, and they said that a blonde Archer with a green arrow on her costume. It must have been Artemis. We see someone running out of the building. It was Artemis carrying someone, but you could easily tell she was holding back tears I wonder why. Artemis set the person on the ground and started to do CPR and you could clearly see she it crying. After about 6 times she quit knowing there was nothing left to do.
""No..No you can't leave me too. Please doN'T LEAVE ME. I AM BEGGING YOU PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DID. I WAS SUPPOSE TO KEEP THIS FAMILY FROM FALLING APART AND I FAILED, BUT DON'T LEAVE. NO. PLEASE NO. I LOVE YOU. I CAN AFFORD TO LOOSE YOU TOO. We might not have been close, but please I can't loose you, please mom. I love you, I will do anything to have you back, just please don't leave me." Artemis yelled in between sobs. We were going to comfort her but at the moment the Justice League arrived and told us to leave her be, so we did but it hurts to watch her be so fragile. Then the house crumpled to the ground and everyone started to yell. We tried to calm everyone down and when we did that Artemis had stopped crying enough to give GA the body to persevere for the funeral. When Artemis turned around to see the damage, she broke down again.
"NO! My home. My belongings. Everything is gone. My mom. My childhood home is all GONE! Everything that has happened in that house. All the beatings, the training, fights, the arguments, the pain and suffering, my blood spilled, the people who was there to see my dad. It is all gone and all because he is a psychopath jerk, who wants me to join him. He already took my sister from me, now he has to take my mom's life, and my childhood home. What more does he have to take away from me to be satisfied?" Artemis choked out. I have no idea what is going on but all I know is that I can't stand seeing her like this. I walked over and pulled her into a hug and allowed her to cry in my chest as I whispered smoothing things to her. We were like this until she stopped crying and her body relaxed, meaning she was asleep. I picked her up bridle style and went to the team. "Let's get her out of here. She has had a really bad day. Plus she is out like a light." I said with a concerned face.
"Yeah ok let's head back to the mountain. We can ask her about this when she wakes up, ok? Robin said worried filling his voice. We ran back to the Zeta tube. When we got to the mountain the entire Justice League was there with sad, concerned, angry, confused, regretful faces and Superman, Supergirl, Red Arrow, Speedy, and Wonder Woman were all trying to calm down Green Arrow and Black Canery. When the saw me their eyes landed on Artemis, they all looked down. When Batman, Green Arrow and Black Canery saw her, Black Canery broke out in tears, Green Arrow hugged Canery tight as he was trying to hold back tears. Batman just looked sorry. Weird, they are acting as if someone close to them just died.
"What is wrong with you guys, you guys are acting like someone close to you just died?" I asked as Batman came up to Robin who was behind me trying to hold back tears. Then Green Arrow, Black Canery, Red Arrow, and Speedy came up to me and Green Arrow took Artemis from my arms.
"Not literally, but mentally, emotionally, and socially someone did died." Batman said sadly.


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