Chapter two

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"Not literally, but mentally, emotionally, and socially someone did died." Batman said sadly.
Robin's Pov.
"What does that mean?" Wally asked concerned.
"What Batman means is that Artemis will never be the same again. The league is lucky enough that GA got to her before Sportsmaster. Sportsmaster has been trying to get her to join his side.The woman she was crying about is her mom, an ex-con who was paralyzed from the waist down. The house that burned was her home that she grew up in and the fire was no accident, it was purposely set to kill her mom as a warning to her from Sportsmaster and Cheshire. And the reason everyone is sad and depressed because we fear the worst. We fear of what will become of Artemis. We are afraid that she will take the path to avenge her mother, to reclaim what belongs to her. To prove that she will do anything to protect the people she cares about. She is the strongest one here. She doesn't let people close to her because growing up she was taught to no trust anyone, so she keeps her guard up and makes sure she doesn't get hurt. She is the strongest and toughest girl I have ever met. She has put her life on the line to make sure none of us gets hurt. She protects us in her out way. By keeping us out of her personal life. The only people who knew this was the League and me. She is a fighter, she may have just lost everything but knowing her all she is going to do is train harder than ever before, pushing herself way beyond her limits because she won't let anyone else die. She will be more violent, annoyed, and training ten times harder then before, so we need to keep a eye on her and makes sure she doesn't hurt herself  in any possible way. She probably has had the hardest life out of all of us, but she keeps on pushing forward to be the very best she can be. She will become Anti- social, Locking away all emotions , not letting anyone get close to her and she will constantly be blaming herself especially if one of us got hurt. She doesn't give up on hope easily." I said trying not to cry
"How is she the strongest person here and why didn't you tell us before and what did Artemis meant when she said All the beatings, the training, fights, the arguments, the pain and suffering, my blood spilled and is he Sportsmaster?" Wally asked me. I look at him and wished this day never happened.
"That is not my place to tell, it is Artemis' and the reason she is the strongest is that no matter what happens to her helds onto hope. She is the strongest one here emotionally and mentally. She didn't want you guys to know. She nearly killed me when I found out but I promised no to tell anyone about it and I didn't want to break her trust because once you break her trust there is no getting it back." I explained
"Robin, Artemis will be staying with us for awhile." Batman said and I knew what he was planning on doing. The Justice league and the Young Justice team walked into the lounge and talk for a bit while Artemis had her legs right next to GA and her head on Black Canery's lap still asleep. I feel so bad for her. She started thrashing aroung. Oh no she is having a nightmare.
"ARTEMIS CALM DOWN IT IS JUST DREAM. WHAT YOU SEE THERE IS NOW REAL!"  Black Canery said trying to calm down the blonde archer.
"NOOOOO" Artemis shot up, panting." Thank God it was only a nightmare. That's the sixth one in Four days. Oh well does not matter. I will just get a glass of water, then I will be just fine." She reached up and touched her cheeks. She still have not realized that the Justice league and the team is here, but seriously six nightmares in four days. "That was no nightmare, it was real, she is really gone along with my childhood. After everything I have been through in that house, it is all gone not a trace. The only trace that could get my killed is if someone found the training room, mainly because it is full with illegal weapons, thanks to my psychopathic dad. He killed his own wife just to warn me to either join them or more will suffer. The people I care about will how long have you guys been here?" She asked with wide eyes
" Long enough and you have some explaining to do." Conner said.
"What do I have to explain?" Artemis asked with a innocent face. Even after everything she is still the same.
"You connection to Sportsmaster, your blood being spilled, um I don't  know... everything that you are hiding from us." Wally said slightly suspicious and curious. Her eyes went wide and she turned to me and I knew I messed up bad.
"Artemis they were going to find out sooner or later. I was only thinking about your well being and they were going to put the things you said in Gothem together. I didn't tell them anything other than who your mom was and who set you house on fire I swear. You know I will never betray your trust unless it was to protect you Artemis." I said hoping that she would not kill me.
"Fine you will get your answers, but give me an hour please. Come on Robin you are coming with me. And I am not in the mood to deal with you stalling, and I will not hurt you understand?" She said in a calm voice as she got up and walked over to me. I gulped but said nothing as I walked with her to the motorcycles. "Want to go for a ride, i kinda need to clear my head right now and I don't want train at the moment. Plus I need a friend who knows my past right now, and GA and Black Canery act like my parents. Batman doesn't really help a whole lot and his advice is confusing to me, Red tornado acts like a den mother to me, and the rest of the League I am not really close to them other than Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman but they are more training then anything else. And the rest of our team won't understand what is going on or my past for that matter but I know you will understand. I am a fighter, someone who doesn't go down with out a fight, someone who doesn't show emotions and when I do it usually is anger. You have been there for me since the start. I am not one for asking help but I need your help. I don't think I can do this without your help. So how about we go for a ride and talk about our pasts, Dick Grayson." She said but as soon as I realized that she said my real name I became a mess.
"i-I am not Dick Grayson Mis." I stuttered out.
"Oh come on Grayson stop lying. You slipped up by mistake. You called me Arty as Dick and I kinda put to and to together." She said as she took off her mask and I had stopped trying to defend myself that I am not Dick but deep down I didn't mind that she found out.
"Wow you caught me Red handed, Crock, I am happy you found out. Oh and by the way you will be coming back with Batman and me to Gothem got it." I said with a smirk on my face as we both go onto our motorcycles. "I will always be there for you and you are the strongest one out of all us even if you don't see it. I will always be here to help you, and so will the rest of the team once they know the truth. Let's go on a ride and talk about our messed up pasts Mis." I said as we got our helmets on and started our engines. We took off for a ride that will change both of our lives for the better. I promise that I will protect her from her psychopathic family, like she has done for me in my hard times. She is apart of my family and I am a part of hers. I won't let anyone hurt again and with the help of the team we will make sure that Sportsmaster never lays another hand on her. She is strong because she was able to asked me to help tell the team about her past and her secrets and I will be there when she needs a shoulder to cry on.
"Hey Rob, thank you for everything, you have been a true friend to me and I am glad to have met a guy like you, to keep me in line and to make sure I don't do anything stupid. Thank you being there when I need you most." She said
"Your welcome" I said with a genuine smile.
"Robin and Artemis please return to the cave. It is time to explain to you team. Are you ready to tell them, Artemis?" Batman said.
"No but I have to. We are on our way back, see you then." Artemisia said.
"Ready?" I asked knowing she was going to say no but I have to.
"No but I don't have a choice Dick, I will do it because I don't want to lose their trust." She said. We got to the cave and she took a deep breath and we walked into the lounge. Everyone was starring at us.
"Ready Mis?" I asked her looking worriedly at her. I grabbed her shoulder to let her know I was with her and that everything will be ok.
"No but I have you here to help me through. Let's get this done and over with." Artemis said breathing in and out to calm herself before we walked forward ready to tell her tale.


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