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Alice's head rested on the backseat window of her fathers 2006 Volvo piece-of-crap. Her face was lit up and plunged into shadows by the tunnel lights and the dark spaces between them.
She distracted herself from the sound of her parents yelling by staring blankly and aimlessly through the window at whatever was within view from her small window which had been covered in finger prints from times in the past when the windows had been covered in condensation and she used her finger to draw on them.
But at this moment all there was to stare at was the passing tunnel lights. She counted them. Her bright blue eyes followed them until they disappeared behind her.
Suddenly the blackness of the tunnel ended only for Alice's eyes to meet the blackness of the nights sky. The car travelled along a cliff side road. Alice's mind slowed and her heart played a different rhythm. Alice shuffled to the middle seat and looked through the windscreen and then at her body which wasn't restricted by a seatbelt. She didn't wear it sometimes when she wasn't sure whether she wanted to live or not. The car abruptly collided with the metal crash barrier which separates the road and the sudden plummet to the sea.
The bonnet of the car crumpled up. Two air bags sprang right before Alice's parents heads crashed into them. Alice was lifted from her middle seat by the cruelty of Newton's first law. She hit the glass at the front of the vehicle, instantly shattering it and flying through it. She fell for what felt like hours. She thought about her life. She thought about how this could finally be the end. She could finally be somewhere where she didn't feel hurt all the time. Or maybe she'd be no where at all. It didn't matter. She wouldn't be here. That's what mattered.
When you're falling to what is to be your demise, you're mind starts reminding you of things you forgot. Maybe it's trying to give you things to fight for by reminding you of the good times you had when you weren't dying. Alice's mind had failed her a lot in the past and today would be no exception. It's great attempt to give her reason to fight was remind her of the time she ran away from home. She was fourteen and was sick of civilised life and how repetitive it was. It all felt so grey. So she left. She lived on shoplifted biscuits for two weeks before the police found her and she was dragged back to her parents smelly one bedroom flat, which could make a better anti- smoking ad than the government could ever put together.
There was a moment before she hit the water. Everything felt peaceful. Everything felt quiet. God she hated that.
She hit the water and everything felt loud again. The crash of her body hitting the water made it so. With the water, thoughts flooded her mind. She saw everything and everyone she loved.
She remembered the first time she met her best friend and how they talked about bands until 4am.
She remembered kissing her girlfriend for the first time and eating like hundred mints prior to doing so.
She remembered her pet rat.
Her favourite book.
Watching movies with her best friend.
Her girlfriends laugh.
The playground at her old primary school.
How her mum used to paint on the weekends before she lost her job.
The time she shaved her hair down to a buzz cut because she thought Furiosa in Mad Max fury road was really hot.
How her girlfriend bit her lip when they kissed just to be annoying.
How she used to smile all the time about everything before her depression started to weigh her down.
She reached her hand towards the light of the moon and her closing eyes began to leak tears into the water.
Alice exhaled.
Bubbles drifted from her mouth.
Her eyes closed.
Her hand fell.
Her body sank slowly to the sea bed.
Her heart played it's final beat and her mind faded into nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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