Encounter Part 1

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"Mikayuu is life, amen."                       -HatCats 2018

Yuichiro's POV


Life. What does mean?

        Pitiful humans always mutter such nonsense, why can't they just be grateful of what they have. But hey, i'm just one of the masses right?


                     The only reason i'm able to survive this hell hole, why? 

Because I want to prove to myself, to every -damn- one that strength is all that matters.

But hey, thats just my philosophy, everyone has their own, but I honestly don't care.

   I looked at the mud splashed on my shoes as I walked absently down the dark alleys of the city. Not caring where I was going for I had nowhere to go. Lady hope must hate me, just my luck. 

    As I walked down the abandoned alleys the rain that casted overhead began to pour down harder for every step. Dogs howled at the sign of the new moon that had finally revealed itself from behind its blanket of clouds.

   I felt as my head dragged nauseously and the cold air clawed at my lungs begging me to pass out from fatigue. It felt like years I traversed these wretched streets, my only hope my two front feet that were slowly running down from their initial high.

  As my hope slowly wearied down to a slow march to death my feet started tripping over one an other only furthering my exhaustion. Just my luck indeed.

  The pain shot through my leg like a bullet as I fell face first on the cold stony streets after tripping over a broken beer bottle. I winced as the sharp object pierced my knee deeply. 

No, I mustn't show weakness here. My mind desperately gasped.

  "Are you okay." An angelic voice asked behind me. I turned to see a man taller than me asking with concern written on his delicate features. My breath hitched. This man had beautiful fluffy bleach hair that fell elegantly to his shoulders. Upon further observation his beautiful royal colored eyes and soft pale porcelain skin only enhanced his natural beauty. My mind desperately scrambled for the right words.

  "Ya-h, i'm fine. Everything's good, I mean i've been through worse." I mentally face-palmed. Way to go Yuichiro, you and your big mouth. I looked up regrettably to see the beautiful stranger only look at me with more concern.

  "Are you sure," The stranger pressed on, now crouching down to my level. "That's a pretty bad cut you have." 

  "I said yes." I rudely yelled. Oops. I didn't mean for it to sound that harsh.

"I'll take you to my place just to make sure. My names Mikaela by the way."

  "No wait, i'm sorry. I don't want to bother you more than I already have." I pleaded.

  "My house is right here." Mikaela boredly stated signaling to the left with his fair finger. I looked over to see a homely clinic that stated, 'Hyakuya Mental Health.' 

  "Thats your house?" I questionably asked.

  "Yah, got a problem." The stranger know as Mikaela responded in a matter-of-fact way.

  "N-no." I once again inspected the building in front of me. Mental health facility, huh, how ironic that was I nearly laughed.

   "Well what are you still doing on the floor." Mikaela asked sternly. 

  "O-h, S-sorry I wa-," I gasped as Mikaela picked me up suddenly into his arms. I blushed as my face hugged his toned chest and I notice our position. Princess style, real original. 

   "Don't move around to much, you don't want your injury getting worse would you." He angelically whispered in my ear causing my face to blush to the extreme.

  "Y-yah." I shyly gushed out.

  "You stutter a lot don't you." Mikaela winked. I had my face into his white sweater as he walked up to the door steps of his home/clinic, with me still embarrassedly in his surprisingly strong arms. 


Short chapter I know, I was just really bored and wanted write my problems away, anyway the cover voting is still in session. Currently #1 is in first place with a world breaking 1 VOTE. Lol I suck. Please vote i'm really torn on which one I like, lol I really suck. Anyways, this has been the first chapter of my lovely mikayuu boo, I have lots in store so look out. I'll see 'till the next one bye!~



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