Encounter Part 2

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Literally my life is mikayuu trash, i'm going to ComicCon this year with my fellow yaoi trash bud. Lol thats all,


Yu's POV


 Warmth; thats all I felt in this mysterious beauties strong embrace. After he literally picked me up off the streets then took me inside where we passed a home-made front desk. 

  I didn't know where we were heading to but for some odd reason my body relaxed gently and gratefully into his arms as we now entered what I presumed was the kitchen. The man known as Mika set me down gently on the wooden chair letting my still damaged body take a small breather.

 "I'll be right back, hold on tight for me okay." His husky voice chimed in my ear.

 "Sure." I blushed a little when I saw Mika turn around. What an ass. I physically slapped myself to control my hormones. Great i'm only 17 and i'm having these kind of thoughts. Still I can't even comprehend why i'm so clam with this stranger, even I acknowledge i'm a little... Strange.

 I sighed in defeat just as Mika walked inn bandages in hand. 

 "Hope my poor taste in band-aids won't set you off." Mika rhetorically asked. If you talk to me in that voice i'll listen to whatever you say. I subconsciously began to wander into his Ocean blue eyes as he was applying a familiar substance to my knee. I never though I would feel this calm around medical supplies .

 I almost choked when I was Mika take out Hello Kitty band-aids.

 "M-mika are you serious." 

 "What's the matter? Too manly for pink?" Mika sarcastically mocked, making eye contact with his perfect eyes into my evergreen ones. I was short of words as I breathlessly looked at his face, observing his sharp features.

 "W-what, no I was just curious." I finally breathed out.

 "If you must know these are Akane's, my little sister." He replied.

 "Oh, I didn't see anyone else here. Is she gone?" I innocently asked. Mika smiled warmly as he pats my head.

 "She's at a friends house, so we're all alone tonight." Mika hushed as he began to stroke my cheek with his smooth warm hands. It is strange how Mika is able to calm me, he's almost like my medicine, but less cold. 

 I blushed as I realized Mika was just standing there, caressing my face while deeply gazing into my eyes.

 "Mika, thank you for all you've done but I really should return. home" I asked solemnly.

 "Go where." Mika suddenly asked. I gasped. I noticed his stoic gaze as he looked at me firmly, not allowing any excuses.

 "I don't know," I looked back at Mika, "How did you know?"

 "Most parents don't let their kid out at 3 in the morning, running desperately like their lives depend on it." Mika sarcastically answered showing me a genuine smirk.

 "Well I guess my parents would say other wise, if you would call them that." I sadly replied looking off into the window that rested past Mika's shoulder.

 "We don't have to talk about it right now, I may not look like it but I have degree in counseling." Mika informed me, dragging me out of my desires.

 "Hey, how old are you anyways Mika." I asked with a huge question mark written on my face. Mika's godly laughter rang the halls and my heart as he joyfully looked at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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