Rowaelin-Marriage pt.2

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Heyyyy... I'm really sorry I didn't update. I've got so much going on at school right now but I'll try my best to have updates at least once a week. Luv u guys ❤️❤️💞💞💚 Tower of Dawn spoilers...
I'm making this one long for you guys 😻

"We all bear scars. Mine just happen to be more visible than most." Throne of Glass. Page 305

Rowan was beyond happy. It had been a month since he had proposed her. His mate. His wife. His equal. He had waited for so long. So long. Even though he had waited 300 years for her and he would gladly wait another 300 years for Aelin. He would be willing to endure everything again just so that he could meet his mate, could love his mate. Rowan would always cherish every single moment with her.
Each hug.
Each kiss.
From what he had been through. What both of them had been through, he knew better than to take those precious moments for granted. But honestly, Rowan wanted to thank Maeve, if she was alive. It was because of Maeve that had brought both of them together, and it was also because of Maeve that had whipped his mate so badly that the beautiful old language that was once on her back was now gone. Completely gone. Even though Maeve had brought both of them together, it had not wiped out all the horrible things that Maeve had once did.
If only he could kill Maeve slower. If only he could torture Maeve longer.
If only...
But he knew that Maeve was dead, and that was enough. What surprised Rowan most was that Maeve was a valg queen. He could never stand to face those demons, nor did it made it better to finally learn that the bitch he was serving, was a gods damn valg queen.
That bitch's name kept echoing in his head. Gods, why did it have to be today. The night before his marriage. Rowan paced around the room, brows knitted together. He needed air, he needed some fresh air. Rowan walked towards the window and stared out into the far distance of Terassen. It was almost midnight and yet, he couldn't manage to sleep. The starry sky above twinkled and shimmered. There were hundreds of stars above them, dancing. The stars danced and danced throughout the endless sky. The full moon above him glowed. As the sweet wind brushed pass his face, he somehow felt calmer. It had been a blessing from the gods that he was able to return to his homeland safely. He had missed the smell of the Terassen forest so much. But he knew, even though he's here, safe and sound, he could never take anything for granted. Never. Rowan continued to star at the dancing stars for hours and hours.
As the clock struck one Rowan finally went to bed. As he lay down on the mattress, he extended his arms to his right side, reaching for Aelin. But he couldn't feel her warmth. It was because the priestess suggested that they both shouldn't have any sort of connection for three days and three nights before the wedding.
The god's blessing. The priestess had said.
It had been only the third night but Rowan was missing Aelin like hell. He had definitely gone on missions that had taken three days without seeing Aelin. Still, they used their mating bonds to communicate. This was too much. He wanted to see Aelin so bad. Needed to see Aelin. Without communication through the mating bond, Rowan was not complete. Aelin was his other half.
Tomorrow. Rowan thought.
Tomorrow and I'll be able to see her.
With these words echoing in his head, Rowan closed his eyes and he slept.


Oh gods. It had been only three nights and Aelin was going crazy. Literally. She had missed Rowan so gods damm much. Without any means of communication, Aelin can't help but worry about her mate.
She smiled at that word. Aelin found her other half. She found her love
As she stared at the bright glowing moon, she wondered if her mate was also missing her, if he was looking at the same glowing masterpiece like her.
As Aelin stared out the window, she looked onto the green forest swaying from the night breeze. Behind the forest, Aelin could smell the sea. It wasn't the salty smell like when she, when Celeana was in the salt mines. No. This sea smelled of hope and home.
Rowan and Aelin was on different side of Orynth. Rowan remained at the palace and Aelin was staying at the smaller palace near the northern sea. Only a day journey. But it still felt like she was on the other side of Erilea. As Aelin looked back to the lush green forest, she smelled pine. Oh how she had missed Rowan's pine green eyes. As the memories of her and Rowan started to appear in her mind like an endless train, Aelin walked away from the balcony and lay down on her bed. She eventually closed her eyes and waited for tomorrow.

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