Chapter One

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A bright light shines through the blinds at just the right angle to wake me up. Looking toward the recliner I find John fast asleep, looking quite adorable. He has a face full of freckles and his curly locks are pulled into a loose ponytail. As I roll out from under the blankets I hear a clang in the kitchen. I make my way over and find a new face.

"Uh... Hello? Who're you?" A low voice says to me as I round the corner. I'm met with a muscular man with deep skin and chocolatey brown eyes. I find myself staring at his biceps, he notices and awkwardly shifts.  

"Hey, I'm Y/N. Alex let me stay the night." He raises a brow and looks at me judgingly, "Oh! No, it's not what you think! Er- I was going to spend the night on the streets. Alex generously offered me a place to stay. I hope I'm not too much of a nuisance."

He turns back to his cooking without saying anything and I'm left feeling embarrassed. He didn't even introduce himself! Considering there's only one other person I haven't met out of the four Alex told me about, he must be Hercules. I grab a plastic cup and fill it with water before making my way back to the couch. John is awake looking at me with bedhead and sleepy eyes. I can feel my face warm. 

"Goodmorning sleeping beauty," I say with a grin. He smiles back at me.

"Goodmorning Y/N. Did you sleep well? That couch always makes my back sore."

"Anything is better than where I would've been sleeping! Honestly, I can't thank you guys enough." I sincerely answered. 

"Yoooooouuuuuu're welllllllcomeeeeeeeeeee" I hear Alex yawn behind me. I turn and find him leaning against the wall and smirking at me. 

"So you're just going to let any random homeless girl stay the night in our apartment Alex? She could've stolen something! You didn't know whether you'd find her here this morning or she'd be long gone with my Rolex!" I can hear Herc yell from the kitchen accusingly. I frown and Alex storms into the kitchen and I hear him start to bicker quietly with Herc but I can't make out their words. I would never steal something from someone who offered so much kindness to me. He saved my life, gave me a meal, and let me stay in his house! My sensitive emotions get the best of me and I feel my eyes get teary.

"Hey hey hey, it's okay! Herc's just protective of his friends; he takes some warming up to," John consoles as he scooches over to me and puts his arm around my shoulder. Herc becomes the least of my concerns as I notice how close John has gotten. I find a small amount of confidence inside of me and lean into him as he starts rubbing my arm. I look up at him and softly smile, and our noses aren't more than an inch apart. That's when Alex walks back into the room with a huff. He glances at John, and then me, and then back at John and shoots him a glare. John backs off and before Alex can say anything Laf walks into the room while stretching. He doesn't seem to notice the tension in the air.

"Ohhh I smell something tasty cooking" he sang, "Is master chef Hercules making us some breakfast?" Herc walks around the corner and leans against the wall, giving Lafayette a small smile. 

"Only the best for you, Laf," he grins. Laf walks over to Herc and they go into the kitchen together, and I can't help but notice how much chemistry they have. There's practically magnets pulling the two together. Once they are out of sight an awkward silence fills the room. 

"Well, I'm going to go to my office to work, don't bug me," Alex grumbles. John and I share a look as he stomps out of the room. 

"Soooo...." John starts, "What do you want to do today?"

"You want to hang out with me?" I ask. 

"Yeah! You seem pretty interesting, Y/N. I want to take you somewhere and get to know you." I feel my face warm for a third time this morning but I can't help but feel kind of guilty. I just crashed at his and his roommates' house, pissed off two of said roommates, and now he wants to take me out? Wait... like on a date out? OH. Is this a date? Oh my god oh-

"Um hellooooo, earth to Y/N?" John chuckles. 

"Yeah, I'd love to spend the day with you," I say without thinking much more. "I'll go get ready." 

I grab my bag and walk to the bathroom. I have some mascara under my eyes extenuating my already dark circles, so I wash my face and do my normal morning routine. Some winged eyeliner is the fanciest thing I have the materials for, so my look is pretty natural.

 I put on my flannel and jeans while sighing because of my lack of other clothing. This shirt already doesn't smell great and has some stains because I haven't been able to wash it in ages, and my pants are in the same condition. I frown at my reflection and feel myself slipping into a depressed mood. My flannel is baggy over my shrinking figure and my face looks dull. Where am I going to go tonight? I can't stay here again. They're already sick of me, I know it. Especially Alex and Herc. Alex probably regrets letting me stay the night and John is just taking me out so he can get rid of me. I must be such a burden to them and I haven't even known them for twenty-four hours. Tears are beginning to fall.

There's a knock on the door and I do my best at making myself presentable, but my hands are shaking and I feel like an anxiety attack is approaching. I can't answer that door right now I can't I can't I can't face someone right now.

"Um, hello? Is there someone in there?" I can recognize Alex's voice. 

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute," I call back, my voice wavering. Hopefully Alex couldn't decipher the voice cracks through the door.

"Are you okay?" he asks. I swear to god if he comes in here right now I might lose it. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I state as monotone as possible. The door creaks open and as soon as Alex sees me he knows I'm not alright.  


A/N: Hey! I didn't want to end it there but I really need to start my homework but I also wanted to update! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long, but I still want to write this story and I'm still interested in Hamilton! I've also gotten into Voltron so I might write a fic for that too :-))

I hope I can find the time to update regularly, but I can't promise anything. I am however going on a road trip next week so they'll be a ton of spare time to write so I'll try to get out a few chapters then. 

The reason I found the time and motivation to continue this is because of a comment! It probably would have taken a lot longer to update if I didn't see that people were interested. I appreciate constructive criticism/feedback in general! I want to know want you guys think. 

I hope you liked this smaller chapter, I just needed to get something out. Expect an update soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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