Chapter 3 -Disney Land

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After the dinner we came home and I was worn out.

I was thinking about the kiss. It was wrong , i felt something but we just met. Its not right . I need to try to keep it in the friends zone for until we get to know each other more.

When i got to my room i got a text from Laura asking if i wanted to come with her and Kennedy to Disney Land


I text back an "Okay" and set my phone down on my nightstand. I grab my pajamas and go to the bathroom for a quick shower.

After my shower I notice a text from Kennedy telling me to bring Taylor along. I guess thats okay since were not gonna be alone. I see its only 8:30 and I'm sure he's still up.

I text Taylor about the trip tomorrow and get no reply .

I assume he's busy with his mom and decide to wait for a text tomorrow .

I climb into my cool bed and snuggle about . I drift off to sleep , dreaming about my mom.


"Flight number 132 taking off in 1 hour." Said the airline attendant.

"Where am i?" I say.

"JULIA !" A woman shouts .

Is that my m-mom?

"Yes lola?" My mom says.

"Your flight is leaving!" Lola says in a hurry.

"Oh dear! I must hurry" mom says.

Oh no.. This cant be the..

"Welcome passengers to the United States Airline. We will be taking off soon so please take your seats and turn off all electronics. Thank you." Says the pilot.

"Might as well get comfortable , Julia " lola smiled .

10 minutes later

"We are now taking off" says the pilot.

The plane started moving and after a few minutes we lifted off . The sound burnt my damn ears . We were 100 feet in the air when suddenly the plane started shaking and making cracking noises .

I knew what was happening.

"Please stay calm and put your life jackets on for safety purposes ." Said a attendant .

"Lola , whats going on?!" My mom screamed.

"I don't know , Julia" Lola cried.

There were screams of women and children. And i knew they were all falling to their death. I knew they were all gonna get killed . And i can do nothing about it .

"I LOVE YOU SKY ! " my moms last words were before she fell out the plane and hit the wing .

"NO MOM , NO!" I screamed and cried.


"No. No . No!" I yelled . I woke up in a puddle of sweat. Breathing hard.

"It was just a dream " I whisper .

I check my phone and its 1 am . I turn on my fan and get back in my bed. I grab my phone and still see no text from Taylor. I haven't heard from him since the date. I don't know why I'm so worried . But even though were not dating he's my friend, i should worry .

Taylor's POV

I get a call from cam and answer it immediately.

" Hey cam" i say .

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