Chapter 4

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I woke up at 8 am and Kennedy and Laura were gone..

I seen a note on my pillow saying they had left early for battle of the bands cause their boyfriends have a band.

Then I got a text.


Taylor: Hey :) xx

Sky: Hey :)

Taylor: Can you get to Miami by after tomorrow ? Xx

Sky: really?! :o

Taylor: yes really :) xx I sent you a ticket in the mail 3 days ago . Check your mail.

Sky: I will :)

Taylor: ttyl xx

Sky: xx

I run downstairs and out to the door to my mailbox .

Here they are..

Miami . Tomorrow at 2pm.

I smile at the tickets and run back inside my house.

I text Kennedy and Laura but they don't answer .. Maybe they're busy.

I pack some stuff . Shirts , pants , shoes etc. basic travel things. I tied the bandana taylor gave me on my suitcase to know its mine.

I'm so excited!

Taylor's POV

This is it .

I can finally tell her that I am part of Magcon.

I don't know how she will react with all these girls and different trips .

And that I like her .

"Hey taylor." Says Dillon . Dillion's my best friend . We're very close.

"Hey man" I say.

"What's up? Looks like there's something on your mind." He said.

"So I met this girl in California when I was there. And I think I like her. So I invited her here to Florida." I say nervously.

"And? What's the big whoop ?" YOUR GONNA GET LAID ." He sings.

I roll my eyes. "Nah man. Not yet. She's probably not interested in me." I say chuckle.

"Dude . Are you a dumb ass? She's coming from California for you.." He laughs.

"Nigga what did you call me ?" I laugh.

"I'm just playin but seriously . I think she digs you if she's coming almost 1000 miles for you." He says .

"Maybe you're right. We will see what happens" I say.

We will .

Sky's POV

It's 12 am and I wake up in a rush to dress up and eat . By the time I'm ready it's 1:05 . I rush to my car dragging my suit case behind me putting it into the trunk.

"Ugh . Taylor better be thankful." I grumble.


I scurry throw all the people rushing to and from their flights .

Hugging,kissing,and greeting their relatives and loved ones.

"Flight 55 to Miami,Florida will be taking off soon" said the plane attendants.

I go through luggage check having to take out all my things,which really pissed me off.

2 hours of waiting for my flight and they finally let me in. As much as I like Taylor he really owes me . I find my seat on the plane next to a cute old lady.

As I take my seat she starts to talk to me.

"Whats the occassion?" She asks.

"Well I'm going to visit a friend " I smile .

"How about you ?" I ask.

"Going to visit my husbands grave" she smiles.

"Aw. God bless him" I give a soothing smile.

And then I fell asleep.

And I started to dream.

About Taylor .

I woke up in a bedroom. A hotel room.

I was woken by 12 boys.One was Taylor.

As curious as I became I knew their names. But I don't know them.







Jack J

Jack G





"Sky" taylor said.

"Yeah?" I say.

"Can we talk?" He asks.

"Sure." we walk out in the hall .

"Sky I have to tell you something.." He says nervous.

"Whats up?" i say.

"Sky, I li-" he was cut off by my ending dream.

"Dear." Said the old woman. "Its time to get off" she says.

I been sleeping this whole time?

"Thank you " I smile.

I grab my purse and wobble my sleepy self off the plane.

The first thing I see when I get off is not a thing but a person. Taylor.

He has my bags and directly seen me get off the plane.

I rush over to him and give him a big hug cause I kinda missed him.

"Hey there" I smile.

"Hey you" He smiles.

"Are you excited for the best summer ever?" He says.

"Why of course" I say.

"I have a little suprise." He smirks.

"Oh boy." I laugh.

And there they were . They knew all along . I laugh.



I am so sorry for this huge ass wait but I have been creating ideas for chapters. BUT WHOOP here ya go 😘.

Who ships taky? 😏 (taylor and sky)

I do 👏

Ill update tomorrow or after tomorrow cause I'm fasting for ramadan if you do not know what that is go look it up 😂

Ttyl guys ✌️

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