Ch.23 plan

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(Johnny p.o.v)

We walked down the hall and then I heard that same sound in the same spot next to a door.
I eyed David and for some reason he reminds me of someone, but I can't put my finger on it.

I shrugged it off and followed the rest.

Once we made it to the dinning room, the table was huge, it would still Have room for cheaper the dozen! I gulped nervously as I sat down next to Petey.

He sighed and glanced at me and nudged me with his foot. I glanced at him "what?" I whispered and he looked around "did you heard that noise in the hall way?" I looked at him and looked away "you too huh?" I asked and he nodded his head "yea, wanna check it out tonight?" He said with a evil grin, I smiled at him "peanut really changed ya" I said and he nodded his head with a smug look.

Dinner was unusually quiet, like it was meant to be quiet. The only thing that was breaking the ice little by little was small talk but I noticed that Levi wasn't with us, where is he?. The food was great to be honest since y/n dad is a famous chef. We had chicken with potatoes and peas.

Y/n coughed caught my attention, Gary held her shoulder "Hey, your okay?" He asked and she nodded her head yes "I'm not feeling so good, maybe I'll head to bed" she said groggily as she headed upstairs.

Jimmy hummed and shrugged as he continued eating. Gary on the other hand was concerned, it was written all over his face. Petey nudged me again "something not right" he whispered. I nodded my head "yea" I said before eating.

Once everyone was done, it was already 9:55pm. David sat up and stretched "well, it's time for bed" he said as he walked out the dining room before "remember, curfew is 10" as he walked away.

Petey chuckled "he's joking, right?" He looked at me and I shocked my head no "wish he was" jimmy said before France came in "better go sleep now, nobody stays up here" He said as he took our dishes and left to the kitchen. We stood up and walked up stairs "um.. so who stays with who?" Jimmy asked, Gary hummed "is there only one guest room?" He asked and we shrugged.

He nodded his head "Jimmy shares a bed with Femme-boy and Johnny stays alone" he smirked at Jimmy reaction as Jimmy started throwing curse words at him. Petey on the other hand wasn't paying attention, he looked at door where the noise came from the door.

Then Jimmy and Gary's argument stopped and we all went to bed. I lifted up my blanket and snuggled into the warmth of it, I looked at the other side and saw Petey back facing me and Jimmy was facing the pillow.

I snickered and turned off the lamp lights and beginning to sleep.

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