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Once the four boys made it to Stan's party they all walked to the lounge area and chilled, having drinks, cuddling, maybe a little kissing.

Louis and Harry were making out on the couch with Niall making a face he turns to Liam and whispers.

"Can we get out of here, I don't want to see them making out any longer!"

"Sure Nialler, let's go to the kitchen and get some more punch."

As Niall and Liam left the two lovers continue their make out session Niall spotted Perrie Edwards.


"What?" Liam said turning to Niall.

"Look who showed up." Niall said nodding his head where Perrie was standing, Liam looked where Niall was looking at and laughed when he saw Perrie.

"What is she doing here?"

Niall shrugs and informs Liam that he was going to get the two lovers that were still on the couch, when he arrived he taps Louis shoulder and looks up at Niall.

"What! Can't you see were busy." Louis said annoyed.

"Perrie's here, and I want some entertainment."

Louis smiles and looks at Harry who was also smiling, "Let's go baby,"

They got up and walked to the kitchen and saw Liam already teasing, arguing with Perrie, they rushed to them and laughed. "Your a bitch!" She yells and jumps at Harry when she finally snaps.

Louis wanted to push her off of Harry but he stood put. The boys knew how Louis was and didn't mind about it.

"Don't you ever mess with me again you little fuck!" Harry growls and pushed her, someone threw a drink at her, Perrie huffs and pushed the guy that threw the drink at her.

When she ran off and yelled to get out Harry huffs and goes towards Louis who was to stunned to do anything.

"Baby, I'm sorry she insulted you." He said hugging the shorter boy, Louis hugged him back and reassures him that it was fine. The boys went back to their partying and talked about Taylor through the whole night.
"I hate how she just lashed out on you Harry."Louis mummers while checking the time 12:39

"It's okay Louis, I got my revenge."

Liam butts in, "Oh, and what was that revenge exactly?"

"I'm putting music on! It's to fucking quiet in here!" Niall said picking a song from his phone and also connected to the car.

"That revenge was me pushing Perrie and thanks to the guy that splashed her with punch, which was also very intentional." Harry explains.

"That's not much of a revenge babe."

"Shut up. And let me have my moment." Harry said laughing, Louis knew he wasn't totally serious but he went with it.

Louis checked his phone again, what he didn't see coming was a loud crash, before he knew it he blacked out along with everyone else in the car.

He thought it was his final moment in life.

Heart still beating slowly, slowly, slowly, till it stopped.

Before I Fall - l.s | COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now