Going eat a restaurant

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Max text his mom:

Max send message to his moom saying that he was going to be home late

Mom said: Okay that fine sweet heart

Max: Mom stop calling me that

Mom: Okay sweet heart that is the last time

Max: Okay bye

Then they went to the taco palces

Madelyn: What do you guys want

Millie: Soda will be fine

Hailey: Burritos


Harvey: Soda is fine

Madelyn: okay and I will get Nachos

They went to there table and no one said anything it was awkward. Then the food came, Madelyn took a snapchat picture.

Max: This is pretty good

Madelyn: I know this is bom

Millie went though Madelyn phone and Harvey too but getting closer to each other. But Madelyn was to busy looking at Max's eyes. There where very shiny.

Then they finish and pay we went to drop off Millie and Harvey got out the car.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Part of I think I have lieberher fever~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Then Millie kissed Harvey and Jeaden got mad and asked Harvey to come here and said this.

Jeaden: Okay mister let set some ground rules here number one: don't get to touchy with my baby number two: Don't do anything sexual okay.

Harvey: Ummm MADELYN

Madelyn: What the fuck you.want dumbass

They look at jeaden and Madelyn said this.

Madelyn: What the fuck is going on, oh don't tell me Jeaden is setting ground rules is he

Jeaden: Yes you got.a.problem bitch

Madelyn: No I just want you to mind your own business you deep shit

Jeaden: FUCK OFF

Then Max came out of the car and said this.

Max: A dude is there a.fucking problem here

Madelyn: Baby go back to the car please I dont want you to get hurt or anything

Jeaden: No am mind your own fucking business you ugly motherfucker.

To be continued. That is going to happen?

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