3 : Don't Push it

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Lea ended up turning and crawling back towards me. Looks like she couldn't decide either. The boys sighed, and hung their heads.

"It looks like Lea can't decided either. How about I just act like a hoe and say I slept with all of y'all and don't know who the father is? And that's why we all live with each other?" I suggested.

"Clever, but not clever enough." Responded Xero.

My glare must have scared him quite a bit since he hid behind Adrian.

"Enlighten me, oh dear Xero." I said sarcastically.

"What he means, is that it's all well and swell but wouldn't people be suspicious since there's this thing called DNA test?" Chaos said.

I sighed, that is true. Curse this world's technology!

We all hung our heads, while Lea just giggled away. I put her down and just stared at her trying to walk. I smiled and saw her struggle. "Baby steps, baby girl. Baby steps." I muttered.

Then Adrian lifted his head up. "I got an idea! Let's play rock, paper, scissors! Whoever wins gets to be the dad."

The boys looked at him, and contemplated.

Why didn't I think of that? No one has to choose and it'll be at a total random! God, sometimes I think Adrian's a genius. But most of the time, he's a fool... But he's my fool I guess.

"So, are y'all in?" He asked.

"Yeah, why the hell not?" Shrugged Xero.

"I will win!" Chaos exclaimed.

I grabbed Lea, and saw them get in a circle. And to put everything simple, the first game was a tie, with all of them picking rock. The second was also a tie, with them picking paper. Third time's the charm, right? Nope, it was once again a tie with them choosing rock again. Finally, the fourth time the winner was decided.

Adrian and Chaos picked scissors while Xero beat them with rock.

So Xero was now Lea's daddy by title.

The other guys hung their heads in defeat. A second later, Chaos went down on his knees and screamed, "Nooooooo! I don't like it! I don't want Xero to be Lea's daddy! I'm perfect for the job. I'm lovable, kind, funny.. It can't get any better! Avery, pick me!"

"Stop your whining. You lost fair and square." Replied Adrian. "Just take it like a man, or whatever you are."

"You're still a virgin, huh?" Adrian asked with a smirk on his face."That means you're still not a man."

"Oh shut up." Chaos said with a blush on his face.

"I think that's adorable." I said while making faces at Lea, making her laugh. They all looked at me while Chaos had a glint of happiness in his eyes. "That means you're waiting for that one special lady aren't ya Chaos?"

He nodded and ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me and Lea. "You're the perfect girl for me! Take my virginity! I'll give it to you!"

I felt a blush rise onto my cheeks, "Chaos get off! You're hurting Lea." That immediately got him to let go.

"Can I hold her?" He asked.

"Sure, why not." I handed Lea over to him, and he held her and talked in a baby voice.

"Chaos loves you very much. Smile for me my princess!" Lea smiled and giggled, while she put her hand in her mouth. This just caused Chaos to talk even more."Who's your daddy Lea? It's me, right? Not your uncle Xero, right?"

"Da..ddy!" Lea tried to say while smothering Chaos' face with her slober-covered hands.

We all stopped and looked at Lea. Did she really call Chaos "daddy"?

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