2 : Who will it Be?

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"Oh." I said, not knowing what to say.

They were all looking at me, waiting for my decision. But I don't know who to pick. They're all wonderful guys, and I wouldn't want any of them to feel unwanted and that I have any favorites among them. All of them are my guys, and I like them all equally.

"Well, I can't pick. It's as if I have a favorite, and I don't." I replied as I crossed my arms across my chest.

"C'mon! We're all close! We've all bathed together." Chaos replied.

"You mean, in Juvie and we only bathed in the same facility." Xero retorted.

".. So! Same thing. I mean, we've all seen you naked. And you were on top of me! Naked! Yeah, bet you're all jealous of that." Chaos beamed as if he experienced something great the others haven't. Which was true in a way.

I sighed, trying not to remember that embarrassing memory. How when we were all in Juvie, it was our day to shower. And as I got lost into the shower, I forgot I was in a an open stall with the boys. And I didn't hear them get out, and me being the simpleton that I am, stepped out and saw the boys in all of their glory.

Not to mention, I was also in my birthday suit. But they had their back turns and I thought I could be a stealthy ninja and sneaked my way back, but I didn't notice a puddle on the floor and I...slipped, and squealed. That definitely got their attention.

Then Chaos being Chaos, came towards me to help me up... Naked. I think he forgot or something. Then he also slipped on the puddle and landed on me.

Ugh, heat started to pool in my cheeks. I wish that was a memory everyone could forget.

"You're thinking about it, aren't ya?" Chaos said as he put an arm around. "I can tell, you're blushing."

"Oh, shut up." I said and pushed his arm off.

"It's cool, it's cool." He said as he put up his arms in the surrendering gesture.

"Anyways, I believe the father should be the one with the most similar features." Adrian said as he now put his arms around me, which caused Chaos to pout and Xero to scoff.

I sighed once again. "She's albino like me remember? She has red eyes and white hair. And as I can tell, none of you have that.. Well, except for Xero and his white tips but that's all."

Xero smirked which caused the other guys to scoff.

"So, I'm naturally blond which is closer to white. And I have green eyes." Stated Xero. "What was Lea's eye color after she took the medicine?"

"It was blue, like Kayden's.." I said.

"Well, I have hazel eyes with brown hair!" We all looked at Chaos. "What? I just wanted my appearance out there too. And besides, you dyed your hair black Xero! Doesn't mean anything."

"As much as I hate to say it, I'm guessing Xero is our best shot." Adrian sighed.

"Hey! I got a better idea! Why don't we let Lea decide?" Chaos exclaimed. 

"She's just a child!" Replied Adrian.

"I think that's a wonderful idea, Chaos." I said with a smile which caused him to blush. Awe, all my guys are adorable. "Y'all know I love y'all right? C'mere!" 

They were reluctant to come, by ''they'' I meant Xero, as Chaos and Adrian seemed a little bit more than eager to. We all had a group hug. 

After a minute or two, they haven't let go yet. 

"Um, guys. Y'all can let go now." I said.

"Five more minutes, please." Responded Chaos.


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