1 || Thoughts

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Once the name was called, the Slytherin table, filled with the students of Durmstrang, cheered loudly. Krum was considered to be their biggest bet, and no one can deny the famous Bulgarian seeker.

The Hogwarts students remains no champion yet. Every single students of the four house tables watched in anticipation as the Goblet of Fire turned red, and a piece of parchment flew to Dumbledore's hands.


The Hufflepuff table growled with excitement as Cedric claimed his place alongside Krum, and Beaubatons' champion, Fleur Delacour.

But the cheering stopped in a sudden turn of events. The Goblet furiously turned red, and a parchment shot out. Dumbledore caught it just in time.

He looked confused, just as anyone was.

Though, he still read the paper loudly. And the name was very much known to everyone.


The hall was clouded with murmurs and whispers. Both disappointed and confused tones.

It was a surprise that the Goblet chose two champions for a school. Was it fate? Was the Goblet destined to choose the great Harry Potter, the Chosen One?

"Settle down. Settle down, everyone" Professor Flitwick said, speaking through the voice-enhancement charm.

Harry slowly made his way to the platform with Cedric and the rest of the champions.

Dumbledore approached Harry and asked him calmly "Harry, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?"

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Once they returned to the Gryffindor dormitories, Harry hurried to his room, ignoring Hermione's constant calls of his name.

Mixed emotions he couldn't understand faced him. Frustrated, he climbed up his bed, shuts the scarlet curtains of his four-poster, and shuts his eyes close.

But no, he wasn't going to sleep.

With Voldemort constantly visiting him in his dreams, Harry barely slept five hours. He thought about telling Dumbledore. But he was probably too busy taking care of the tournament. So, he brushed the thought away.

As soon as Harry heard Neville's loud snores, he grabbed his invisibility cloak and stealthily made his way to the common room.

He made his steps as quiet as possible. Slowly and steady. When he arrived at the common room, he was surprised to see someone sitting on one of the couches.

It was Hermione.

He approached her carefully, his feet tiptoed.

"Who's there?" Hermione gasped, her wand outstretched.

Hermione might have felt Harry's presence. Harry took steps backwards, but he tripped over a pile of books on the floor. His cloak came off, and Hermione saw him with wide eyes.

"H-Harry?" She stuttered.

"I-I'm not stalking you--or anything. I just need some time alone. I was going to go-"

"It's okay, Harry. I understand. After the Goblet and all-"

"I-It's not about...the Goblet, Hermione" Harry suddenly turned cold.

Hermione stared at Harry, the sudden change made her reel back.

"Are you alright, Harry?" Hermione asked quietly.

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