New Friends?

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"I dont wanna go!" A small child tugged at his mother's sleeve, his eyes watery as he held on tight on the piece of fabric like his life depends on it.

"Channie" His mother picked him up, his little fists were balled against his mother's chest, tiny little sniffles were heard, his mother gave a sweet smile. 

"Channie look at mama" Chan lifted up his head and his little watery eyes stared up at his mother's sweet loving ones. "Chan is going to make lots of friends here, don't Chan want many friends?" She wiped Chan's tears and Chan seemed to brighten up at the mention of friends, Chan always wanted many friends to play with. 

"Really mama?" Chan gave puppy eyes, a small pout evident on his baby mouth. His mom smiled and nodded, Chan grinned widely and hopped off his mom's arms. 


"Hello!" A loud voice startled Chan, Chan looked where the voice came from and he saw a boy with small eyes and squishy chubby cheeks, "Hi! My name is Soonyoung! Are you new here?" the bright boy asked and Chan nodded, "Great! We can be friends!" the boy outstretched his hand, asking for a handshake. Chan tilted his head in confusion and Soonyoung's mouth formed an 'o' "Do you know what is a handshake?" Soonyoung grabbed Chan's hand and shook it. "This is a handshake! People do it when they first meet each other" Sounyoung smiled. "But my dad told me that we don't need to do it every time!" Soonyoung giggled, "You're just like seokminnie, he doesn't know what a handshake is too!"

"What's your name?" Soonyoung asked, "C-Chan" Chan stuttered out. "Wah! Chan is so cute!" Soonyoung pinched Chan's cheek making the latter blush. "Let's go play with the others!" Soonyoung held Chan's hand as he dragged him to the center of a big play mat. 

"Everyone!!" Soonyoung suddenly screamed, making Chan flinch. Chan saw many people gather around them, Chan remembered that his mama had taught him how to count, he counted 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10... Ten new people. 

"Guys this is Chan! He's new here!" Soonyoung held Chan's hand up. 

Chan saw a boy taller than him step up, "Hi, I'm Seungcheol! I like toy cars and robots! What do you like?" 

Chan thought about it for a few seconds before answering, "I like dinosaurs" Chan shyly answered. 

"Hi, I'm Jeonghan! I like butterflies!" A pretty boy said, next to him, a shyer boy spoke, "I'm Joshua, I like guitars" 

Jeonghan giggled, "Joshua can't play the guitar but he likes seeing people play it!" Joshua blushed, "I'm still learning!"

A boy with wide eyes raised his hand "Hello! I'm Junhui and I like kittens!" He nudged a sleepy boy next to him, "He's Wonwoo and he likes to sleep!" Junhui giggled.

"I'm Jihoon and I like music" Chan searched for the voice and he found a small boy hiding behind Soonyoung. "Don't mess with Jihoon, he can be scary!" Soonyoung patted Jihoon's hair, the smaller smacked Soonyoung's hand away. 

"Hi! I'm Mingyu! I like eating!" A tall boy with visible sharp canine teeth said, suddenly the sleepy Wonwoo spoke, "He's right, he hogs all of the snacks in snack time!"

"I'm Seokmin! I like singing and sunflowers!" A boy with smiles that could rival the sun said.

"Hey I'm the one and only Seungkwan! I like to sing too" A boy with chubby cheeks said while holding hands with another boy that looks foreign "Hi I'm Hansol, I like rap music!" The boy, Hansol chirped. 

Soonyoung clapped his hands, "Okay so" Soonyoung pointed at Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Joshua, "These hyungs are seven years old" 

Soonyoung pointed at 3 boys, "Junhui, Wonwoo, Jihoon.." Then he poked his own chest "And I are six years old" 

"Mingyu and Seokminnie are five" Soonyoung pointed at them, and lastly the boys that are holding hands, "Those guys are four years old... wait no, Seungkwannie is five now!" 

Soonyoung held Chan's hands and smiled "How old is Chan?" 

"Im four too, i just had my birthday three days ago!" Chan grinned, "Woah! Happy late birthday Chan!" Soonyoung jumped, "Let's play!"

"Okay hyung!"


svt is soft and they're just like a bunch of little babies so i had to make this

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