Building Blocks

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"Channie!" Soonyoung called, the older boy tugged at Chan's sleeve, motioning him to come. "Channie! Jihoon and I are going to build a big castle! And we want you to play with us!" Soonyoung excitedly jumped around, Chan smiled and followed Soonyoung. 

"Hi Chan" Jihoon said as he dumped a bag full of building blocks, "Soonyoungie don't you dare knock everything over like last time" Jihoon warned, Soonyoung frowned, "But Mingyu pushed me!" 

In the corner of the room Junhui and Wonwoo are cuddled up in a blanket, Junhui is holding a pop up storybook and Wonwoo is reading to him, his little chubby fingers pointing at every syllable as he read them out loud to the Chinese boy.

Mingyu was standing nearby pouting at them both, just until Junhui noticed the presence of the taller boy. "Mingyu!" Junhui called out, making grabby hands at the younger, Wonwoo watched them both as Junhui patted the seat next to him. "Mingyu can sit here! Or with Wonu there" Junhui pointed at the empty space beside Wonwoo. Mingyu grinned widely and threw his body next to Wonwoo. The latter shrugged and continued to read.

Seungkwan, Seokmin, and Hansol are all sitting on a train play mat, they were playing trains peacefully just before Hansol crashed his Thomas train into Seungkwan's train, Seungkwan demanded a war. Seokmin just sat there laughing at his friends' silliness and participate to supply 'weapons' for them to fight each other with.

Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Joshua were playing in the small house, they had a mini argument of who gets to be the wife, husband, and child. Joshua, being the kind boy he is, surrendered to be the child where Seungcheol and Jeonghan argued who gets the husband position. They settled with rock paper scissors and Seungcheol won. Joshua laughed as Jeonghan sulked.

"At least you don't need to work Hannie! You like sleeping don't you?" Joshua giggled.


"Lunch time!" Mingyu shoot out from his seat surprising Wonwoo who was peacefully cuddling with Junhui.

"Kids come eat!" The member of the daycare set out the trays of food.

Soonyoung tugged at Chan shirt, "C'mon Channie, we have to line up to get lunch" Soonyoung led the younger to where they were passing out the trays.

"Thank you Minki hyung!" Jeonghan thanked his favorite daycare personel and took the tray from his hands. There were 3 set of tables and chairs, as usual, Jeonghan sat with Seungcheol, Joshua, and Jihoon.

After Chan and Soonyoung got their tray, they sat in a table who had Seungkwan and Vernon already playing with their apples.

Junhui, Wonwoo, and Mingyu sat together at another table, Wonwoo is a picky eater and often share his food with Mingyu, Junhui often scold Wonwoo for being picky but Wonwoo really doesn't care.

After their lunch, the kids are told to wash up while the other daycare members set up futons for them to sleep in.

"Channie can we sleep together?" Soonyoung asked the younger, Chan nodded and Soonyoung told him to quickly wash up and pick a favorite bed.

Jihoon and Jeonghan often slept beside eachother since they both were heavy sleepers with less movements than others.

Seungcheol and Joshua never slept with anyone but eachother because Seungcheol likes to big spoon and Joshua is maybe the only one who can tolerate him.

Vernon, Seungkwan, and Seokmin always kick eachother in their sleep, especially Vernon, and this is why they sleep on the edge rather than in the middle of the large group.

Junhui, Mingyu, and Wonwoo are usually cuddled up together, with Junhui in the middle since he's a huge cuddler, Wonwoo and Mingyu sometimes even make a small argument of who get to cuddle with Junhui first, since the boy have the best cuddles in the whole daycare, maybe even the whole neighborhood.

Waking them up is probably the hardest part, the daycare member have even set up a strategy to wake them all up with less energy to waste.

They wake them up starting with Soonyoung, Junhui, and Jisoo. Soonyoung's antics can instantly wake the kids, usually Soonyoung rolls over the other kids making them groan loudly and forcing them to wake up.

Junhui would wake Mingyu and they both can join forces and wake up the sleeping sloth, also known as Jeon Wonwoo.

Joshua, with his angelic voice, can wake Seungcheol, Jeonghan and even Jihoon up. No one in the daycare knows how Joshua managed to do it. The daycare members, have all tried to wake Jeonghan and Jihoon up but failed, from Minki until the big guy Dongho, they managed to make them groan or open their eyes a bit but only Joshua can make them sit up and regain consciousness.

Joshua could whisper and Jeonghan would wake up, sometimes Jeonghan even hugs him and clings to him after he woke up. Joshua would shake Seungcheol lightly and the boy would wake up. But even Joshua said Jihoon was the hardest to wake up, but they managed to wake him up after Joshua ganged up with Jeonghan to shake the boy awake.

Most of them get picked up at early in the evening, but some stayed until late in the evening or even until night, those who stayed are usually Wonwoo, Jihoon, Seokmin, and sometimes Junhui.

Wonwoo would light up everytime Junhui stayed late, since the daycare is quieter, Wonwoo can read in peace and sometimes even fall asleep on Junhui's shoulder. Jihoon and Seokmin usually are all bundled up in blankets watching cartoons.

Their parents would pick them up all together at almost the same time, and by the time the parents arrive they are all piled on top of eachother warmly wrapped in blankets with the cartoons still on.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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