Chapter 1: A Walk In The Park

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The Intricacies of Bellamir Johnson

"Change --- the only thing that remains constant."



The blueness of the sky with all those moving clouds clears my crowded mind. I had lots of hardships ever since I found out my condition --- since the death of Kat. It was hard to gain my statute in such a short time, a year after I graduated. All I know that it wasn't passion. I was only pushed by circumstances and to remain as clear as those blue skies.

I was on my way to Chad's apartment. He and Shelly prepared a little party with some of our college friends and some co-workers. I just came from Dr. Schmuck's clinic to have a session with him. It's good to be remembered on your own birthday. Everything's doing pretty well after the incidences. Chad made Jordan, one of our college roommate, play some beer pong with the girls from our firm. Unfortunately, Jordan was pretty wasted to win the game and end up spewing all over sink. The night was hilarious. Then Shelly did some seemingly odd talent by bending his arms back and front. Can't seem to see it right though.

And there's this girl Chad and Shelly wanted me to hit off, Jennifer Shaun from New Hampshire, and one of our Senior HR in the firm. She is really pretty, smart and sophisticated. Maybe as much complex as I am. The positive complex type is what I mean. She knows about my condition and as well as Kat. So I invited her to a coffee after work the next. Kat would've wanted me to move on after all.

I was on my way back to my apartment. It's bad my mom and Cliff can't come to the party but it would really feel awkward. New York is so bright at night but Brooklyn? It's like I am in an hero action movies where vigilante heroes jump from one roof to another, to catch some bad villains and it's so gloomy like those Batman movies. So dark. Yet so peaceful. Our apartment is near downtown where you can pass by this amazing lights in Empire Fulton Ferry State Park.

I grabbed some chilled coffee on the way to sober up. My phone beeped. I was about to grab my phone out of my pocket, then suddenly...

"Out of the way!" A policeman bumped into me and I spilled my coffee.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I wasn't looking." I said.

"That's okay. Bye." The cop said and rushed into the shadows until I can't see any part of him. It must've been an emergency. Then I noticed some police cars dashing in the direction of my apartment. I'm not sure though. I continued walking until I felt a little sting in my head. Then I passed out.

I woke up beside my mom. Cliff is without any breath, bathed in his own blood, stabbed multiple times and my mom was not in the state of uttering understandable words. Is it happening? I was about to blame myself until some guys in a uniform came in with their props and put a yellow tape around the apartment.

"Ma'am, I am Inspector Macy Malone from New York Police Department. Can you calm down for a minute here?"

"Hey wait officer, I.. I .. I mean inspector. What happened here?" I asked the inspector.

"Kid. Is she your mom? Please stay calm. We're bringing her in to the station. I feel bad but she is our only witness... And our only suspect."

Oliver Ruskov, a Russian scientist discovered a new way to help people with brain disorders to cope with remembering certain memories that have been forgotten using a machine he called EMBER Machine or Electro-Magnetic Brain Examiner and Recovery Machine. It's function is to look for recoverable nerve endings and connect them back by means of therapeutic electro-magnetic waves that has been recently discovered in Moscow.

"Professor, if the test will succeed, then your discovery will penetrate the medical world and as well as rich in that sense." Margie added.

"You don't have to worry Marge. These machine has been tested to those monkeys, and for years of our hardwork, we saw how those monkeys came back from their old habits in the forest where we took them."

"But never have tested this device to humans. It has a great possibility of over frying a human brain."

"Still. New York has the best candidate. Those traumatic events sure strengthened his brain muscles and nerves." Ruskov explained.

"Final call for Flight 231 bound to Brooklyn, New York, USA."

"USA! Here I come." Ruskov shouted excitedly.

The murder of Cliff spread all over the country. My mother was put on trial and I testified and with it, revealing my condition to the whole world. The happenings 5 years ago were on the social media, news, and even gossips. Doubts already rose and eyes have been staring at me everywhere. My testimony about my condition was backed up by Dr. Schmuck. Eventhough, speculations about the case started appear like the blame was being bounded to me and people are saying my mom is only covering for my sins. Now she is in prison because of me. I have to find out who killed Cliff to clear mom of any charges.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Hey Bell." It was Detective Rosberg.

"What? How? I thought you died? You were shot. In the head! How?" I was shocked to see Det. Rosberg alive.

"Calm down Bell. It wasn't directly at my head but it scratched a part of my skull. Look." He showed me the scar left by Murdock's bullet five years ago.

"I was in coma for almost a year. After I woke up, I decided to look for you. But no one really knew exactly where you were." Rosberg explained.

"It's been a while. How are you? Why go all the way to New York?" I welcomed him inside the apartment. The apartment still feels a little gloomy.

"I won't be staying too long Bell. I just need to say something to you, or rather, warn you with something. I don't who killed your mom's boyfriend but those speculations about you? I received an intel that people from the FBI is covering for Murdock so they are spreading news about the past incidents and it all points on you." Rosberg explained.

"What? No way!" I exclaimed.

"I just need you to lay low for a while until I gain more information. Is that ok?" Rosberg asked.

All these time, the past still haunt me. What's it gonna be now?

**CHAPTER 1: A Walk In The Park**

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