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All I had seen was my silver Mercedes whizzing past a dark blue wooden town sign.


No one but I and Jasper were in the vision and something about it, though seemingly inconsequential, felt very significant. It had to be, considering how it was both the worst and best time for them to be making impromptu trips. Something told me this was anything but ordinary.

Seeing as there was only so much my mind could give, the rest would be answered by the handsome devil lounging outside. Hidden in the shade, behind his favourite Civil War book (light reading) . I was sure he could probably recite the entire thing – three thousand pages be damned.

Any other day, I would have whipped into the back garden but our human was in the dining room – an irony that brought the family great joy. Rather than startling her, I maintained the illusion and controlled my steps when stalking towards Jasper. He made no movement to acknowledge my presence but I knew he heard me.

I took the fact he remained still as an invitation, so I sprayed myself over his lap. Head resting on his thighs and looking up at his peaceful expression. Like the rest of us, pretending to be human had become almost second nature. He was currently taking even breaths and I doubted he realised he was even doing it.

"Why are we going to Virginia?"

I knew my words would confirm whatever decision he was yet to make. Then I backtracked, wondering if I should have let him to come to his own conclusion without interference.

He turned a page. "A friend needs me. You don't need to come. I'll only be gone a few days. A week at most"

I knew him long enough not to take offence. Also, I was sure he wanted me with him – he usually did but never asked. "What friend"

"The one I told you about-"


"Damon Salvatore" he muttered indifferently but there was a guarded warmth in his response, just like every other time he had mentioned the stranger.

"He's not like us"

"Are you referring to his race or diet?'


"No. He is not like us"

This time, he did pause but only to give me a once over as he spoke. He waited for judgement or rebuttal but I remained quiet, calculating my next step. Being around Bella, though wonderful, it was torturous – even unbearable when intensified by Jasper's own bloodlust. How much worse would it be if he was to hang around someone who drank human blood daily?

He could not go alone.

"I'll start packing"

"I don't need a babysitter"

I kissed his wrist. "Did you see what Carlisle wore to the office Christmas party? Flannel?!" I shuddered at the memory. "I need an excuse to max out his credit card"

He smiled.

Someone alert the presses.

The man was a dreamboat and somehow the masterpiece bettered when he smiled. It was a shame he didn't do it often. Alas, he was back to hiding behind his book but I saw through his poorly constructed façade, he was happy I was going.

"We leave tomorrow morning. That way we should arrive at sundown"

With a chaste kiss to his lips, I departed and went hunting for my car keys and fellow partners in crime.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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