school festival; first kiss???

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Chapter 4 (school festival; first kiss???)

At the school, Sakura was early so when she arrives at their room….

“O hayo everyone” Sakura said it lively…

“………..” no one answers except….

“O hayo” Syaoran said as he was cleaning the window

Syaoran was the 1st person who arrives at their room, so it means it’s only the two of them who are in the room….. There’s going to be a war that’s going to happen here… uh oh…. Sakura’s eyes widen as she saw Syaoran….

“Ummmm…. You’re early!”

Sakura said as she puts her things on her desk

“Why am I not allowed to be here early, you’re not the principal you know” Syaoran said sarcastically

Uh oh…. Sakura is irritated now, but she didn’t shout instead she…

“You know what I didn’t mean it to be like that, I’m just asking… Why is it bad to ask why are you early today? Ha Li?” Sakura said it annoyingly without shouting, because it’s still early for her to shout…

Syaoran was shock of Sakura’s reaction, I mean he said it sarcastically and she didn’t even shout or something…. But he didn’t show with his actions that he was shock or something…. That wasn’t what I expected….

“No it’s not bad to ask, well I’m just an early bird” Syaoran said properly

“Oh I see….” Sakura said then sits down

Then Tomoyo arrives and was shock, because she saw Syaoran and Sakura only in their room…

“O hayo Tomoyo Chan!!” Sakura said actively

“Ummmm… O hayo Sakura Chan, I see your early today, Oh, O hayo Syaoran Chan, your early too, are the two of you are planning to be here early at the school?” Tomoyo said with her annoying smile as she puts her things…

“What!!!! No he was here first not me; I mean were not planning…Tomoyo Chan!!!” Sakura said as she was panicking or something, I didn’t know why she was panicking…

“Okay relax Sakura Chan I’m just kidding” Tomoyo said as she was laughing quietly

Syaoran didn’t mind them, he just continue cleaning the windows….

“So Sakura Chan, about the school festival, you’re going to play as Prince Philip right?” Tomoyo’s mind suddenly changes…

“Umm... Hai…” Sakura said

“So do you have something to wear already?” Tomoyo ask

“Umm... Not yet, why do you ask Tomoyo Chan?” Sakura said

“Great!! I’ll be the one who will make your costume, okay Sakura Chan!!” Tomoyo said it with excitement because she’s going to make Sakura’s attire, then she remembered...

“Umm... Li you’re playing the role of Princess Aurora right?” Tomoyo said

“Hai…” Syaoran said, then he face Tomoyo and Sakura

“Don’t worry, I’m going to make your costume too, just like Sakura Chan, she’s going to play the role of Prince Philip right” then Tomoyo Chan giggles… “Just promise me one thing, both of you, you’re going to do your best in the play, okay?” Tomoyo said

“Ummmm…” Sakura’s face was scrambled “Sure Tomoyo Chan, we will do our best” Sakura said happily with a fake smile…


A Love StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon