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Chapter 6 (confession….)


Sakura was in her room, dressing herself for today…

“Sakura Chan, Yukito san is already here” Fujikita said

“Haiiii…. I’m coming Okaa-san” Sakura shouted

‘Yukito san is waiting for me, how sweet…’ sakura said in her mind and giggled

“There you are, hurry up you’ll be late then” Fujikita said

“Hai!” sakura said to his Okaa-san and went outside to see Yukito san

‘Waaaaaaahhhh,,,, his so cute in his outfit today…’ Sakura’s eyes was like this


“Konichiwa Sakura Chan” Yukito said as he waved his hand with matching smile

“Konichiwa Yukito san” Sakura said

“So shall we go?” Yukito ask

“Hai!” Sakura said then smiled…


I’m kind of excited in going to Tomoyo Chan, and meet her cousin… Sakura Chan told me that it was a girl and the name is Athena she’s from Korea, Sakura Chan also told me that we have the same age… I’m excited to meet her… >_<

(At the house of Tomoyo)

*ding dong* (gates open)

Tomoyo opens the gate “Konichiwa Sakura Chan, Yukito san… come in...” Tomoyo said excitedly, then we went to the living room…

“Sit here, I’ll just call Athena san” Tomoyo said

“Hai” Sakura said

Tomoyo called her cousin... Sakura Chan and I are just sitting on their living room... Wow! Their house is sooooo big… +_+.... I’m kind of bored so I decided to read a magazine… I’m enjoying in reading these magazines… so funny!!!

“Here Athena san, meet Sakura Chan my best friend and Yukito san” Tomoyo introduce us to her cousin, I’m still reading the magazine but after that I raise my head to see her and meet…

‘Woooooooahhhhh’ that’s all I can say to her…. I was still standing, staring at her… she stares at me… >//_//< …

“It’s nice to finally meet you” Athena said

What a lovely voice so angelic…. Is this ‘love at first sight?’

“Konichiwa Onee-Chan Athena” Sakura said gracefully, then Sakura look at me and I just smiled to her…

“ko-konichiwa, nice to meet you” I said…

What’s wrong with me again? Awestruck?

“Hi” she said to me… she smiles…. Cute…

“Sakura Chan, can you help in the kitchen to get some snacks for us?” Tomoyo said

“Hai!” Sakura said then they both went to the kitchen…. So that leaves us the two alone…

So quiet, no seems want to talk… but I want to talk to her… >-<….

“Ummmm… so your Yukito san?” she asks… finally…

“Hai!” I’m so speechless really, I can’t say the words I want to say to her…

“Tomoyo Chan, told me about you” she said

“Really?” I was kind of shock, Tomoyo Chan told her about me?

“Uh huh…” she smiles

Then our conversation continues, laughing, talking and everything…. She’s very nice…

A Love StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon