Chapter 1

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I sensed something wrong, I could hear it in his voice 

" Acha abhi ati hun, give me 10 minutes ."(Alright, I'll be there right away.)

I got up got ready in my uniform. Even today when I wear this uniform, I get goosebumps. Sometimes it's hard to believe for me that I am a captain in the Indian Army. I never believed that I had it in me to come to this point in my life or career. I mean when I think about it I laugh at what I used to be impulsive, full of aggression, who would have thought 5 years back that I could even pass out of KMA let alone top my batch. it's strange how things just work out in life. 

It's been 5 years since I past outed and got my first posting. Today I am posted at the headquarters trying to build a behavioral unit, a department specifically for studying and analyzing the behavior of terrorist groups to understand their mentality and stop them using their own mind against them. For this sole purpose, I was given training in psychology, I'll admit it is a blessing of a sort to be able to understand the psychological state of a person . Anyway so the Behavioral Unit of the DIA also knows as the Defense Intelligence Agency India is a very new department.

 I have been working in it for about 2 years now and it's very closely associated with RAW and IB. Other than me Alekh is also been working in the department, but he is more out on the field. Yudi Is also closely associated with us but in a different department. 

Leaving all that aside I got ready and left for the headquarters in a hurry. I know if MG Gaur called a meeting at this time it must be something really serious. I got in my jeep and drove at 100 k/hr. The roads in Delhi are usually very heavily crowded but not at this time so I reached the headquarters in 30 min. I got out of the jeep all this while thinking about what was so urgent that MG Gaur himself called Alekh. I gave the jeep to a guard and told him to park it. I didn't have the tie to do it myself today. I went straight up to the topmost floor. 

I found the whole floor in a state of chaos. My work must be cut out for me today. A junior saw me and immediately came towards me. 

She said"Ma'am they are waiting for in the conference room. I don't know the exact extent of the situation at hand but it seems pretty bad. They aren't allowing anyone in except for your friends. "

I gave was walking constantly but when she mentioned 'my friends' I stopped and looked at her and gave her the 'what do you mean by that ?' look. She understood what I meant and replied,

"I mean they called everyone from your batch and the batch after you, you know the other team. Although all of them couldn't make it in such short notice so they are all present through video conferencing. We are still to get in contact with a few people, you should hurry inside they need you desperately in there. " 

As she completed her sentence we had reached the conference room. I looked at her, She handed a file to me and left. 

I went inside to find Alekh talking with MG Gaur and I scanned the whole situation with my eyes as quickly as possible, it had become a habit now after being the head of the psych dept. they looked kind of tensed, but their body language said it wasn't just something to be tensed about it's bigger than that. I saw that Huda and Pooja being posted in the same city were together on the video call, they were still trying to get a hold of Ali, Peter, and Mallah. Rummy was already there and so Akriti. 

She saw that I had arrived and just came and hugged me as if her world was going upside down. She was like a sister to me. Seeing her like this was not easy and I have only seen her like this once before. I hugged her back , then after a few seconds broke the hug and asked her,

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