The Eternal Flame.......
Well the start of this book very dramatic. We see that Damon frighten for the life of his unborn child and the health of his wife Siena too. Throughout the first chapter Elena coming to terms with the fact that she had vampire blood in her system and is unhappy as she was ready to die. Damon and Stefan are fighting over the fact there no cure for vampirism. With Elena compulsion all fading away from what Damon had done to her it's brought something to the surface for her. The crazy council having locked up all vampire including a very sick Siena too the life of her and Damon baby was in the balance..... Like I said intense start to the book
This particular book has so many turns and twist though out. With Connor turning up in town as the member of the five... which bring out that there is a cure for vampirism....and the dimidium sanguinis having a lot to do with it also.
Elena feeling for Damon throughout the whole book get more intense by the moment which is driving Siena insane..... Which lead to the moment where we all saw Siena rage come to the surface and teaching Elena a lesson. What did you guys think to that moment? Did you think she was going too far?
Siena powers were getting out of control remember the wall of flames around the bed? Yeah pretty scary moment..... Who would have thought of Klaus saving her! Siena finally met Tia Dalma the witch who meant to protect her.... Informing Siena of her fate and a little detail of the fate of her child....
I think one of the craziest twist was when Elena fed Siena vampire blood after Damon attacked her after Kol compelled him and her pregnancy accelerated O_O yeah imagine waking up to a huge bump..... Yeah scary stuff.....
Recall the journey to the island? Yeah I do too with a heavy pregnant Siena and Jeremy are taken by Shane so he can raise Silas.... He really was determined to that! Siena waters breaking while she and Jeremy and Bonnie were stuck in the tunnel :( I don't think she expected little Salvatore to be coming that soon.... The vindictive Katherine Pierce making her appearance and killing Jeremy and leaving poor Siena in labour.... Did you think Katherine would have shown her a little remorse considering out of the whole gang Siena was probably the only one she respected...
So baby Salvatore was born.... What did you think to that scene did you guys think that Elena would have help her sister give birth? I don't know about you but when Siena said the name "Nico" and Damon was like we not name our son after your ex.... I found that amusing.
Well how can we forget Elena break down when she finally realized that Jeremy wasn't coming back.... Did you think it was wrong of Damon to get her to turn her feeling off? With Elena still having Siena and now her nephew Nico maybe they could have helped her through the grieving processes .... I don't know what do you guys think to that?
Well thing just kept getting worse as the chapter went on and Elena humanity being off it was driving the two sister further apart.... Siena doing whatever it will take to bring her sister back even with the last sacrifice killing 12 witches and the consequences of her having her mind wiped..... Remember Elena killed Siena best friend Blair the emotional breakdown Siena had? Don't know about you but I shredded a tear or two over that.
What about their gang last prom O_O when it really did go down when Siena nearly killed Elena because she couldn't control herself anymore... it was real touch and go there. But have you guys notice when Siena on a break down she always turns to one person.... Yeah you guess right Klaus. How many of you enjoy that little road trip? Yeah it was interesting and finding out Klaus was gonna be a daddy O_O yeah that was a little shocking for all of us.... Maybe not as shocking how it came out that Siena was once pregnant with Klaus baby. Did that shock you guys?
Oooooo what about the way Siena brought back Elena humanity?
Wrapping this up now with the death of Bonnie.... Did you think it was right of the witches to hid Nico from Siena and take him away from danger? A totally broken Siena we saw :( but once again Damon was stupid to get bitten again and Elena with her humanity back confessing that she was in love with him.... Where you guys like me wanting to shake her and say give it up girl? What about Siena feeling like she had nothing left in Mystic Falls and leaving to go to NYYC? Another passionate kiss between Siena and Stefan.... Do you think they are more destined to be together?
So let me know what you think of the story of The Eternal Flame an overall review of how you saw the story.........
Looking forward to seeing your comments :D
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