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what happens when they meet you, the new girl

- super blush
- thinks you're super cute
- won't stop staring at you
- "thanks for calling me pretty" "i said that out loud?"
- happy that he has all his classes with you

- thinks you're super hot
- "excuse me are you gay?"
- is obsessed
- gets jealous really easily
- to her group: "y'all keep your hands off her. she's mine"
- never lets you sit with the cool kids

- he's really shy
- blushy boi 2.0
- "y-y-y-you're r-really p-p-p-pretty"
- his stutter is 10 times worse
- has two classes with you but is satisfied

- can't get enough of your face
- "guys she's so hot"
- automatically has claims cause he saw you first
- "don't touch my womans"
- wheezes when you talk to him
- stares at you during the only class you have together

- he doesn't go to school so he sees you around town
- he notices you have no friends
- invites you to join the losers
- is super protective
- "richie stop looking at her like that she's a lady not a prize"
- you're super thankful for it

- immediately has heart eyes
- "look at the hot new girl"
- accidentally embarrasses you
- touches your butt a lot
- "i don't have a bike so you wanna hop on my wang?"
- you don't really like his trashmouth but he's cute enough

- can't stop looking at your butt
- that pervy jew gets a hard on when he sees your skirt lift up
- "guys she's super sexy" "i heard that"
- nearly dies when you wink at him
- kinda blushy
- the guys and bev tease him for his crush

- thinks you're hot
- wants to acquaint you before he tries to get in your pants
- "you're super hot new girl"
- tries to hold your hand on the first day
- that doesn't fly with you

- definitely tries to get in your pants
- "i've got the back seat of belch's car wanna fuck"
- secretly wants to be your bf
- doesn't get in your pants
- you shut that shit down

- is a silent but deadly type
- sorta stalks you from across the hallway
- his tall ass thinks your shortness is super cute
- wants to know your name but is too shy to ask
- "hey henry what's her name" "my name is y/n"
- dies of happiness when you wink at him

- blushy baby
- is super insecure about himself cuz you're so beautiful
- doesn't wanna upset you
- "wanna go on a date" "maybe this weekend"
- is happy for the rest of the day
- doesn't care that you hang out with the losers sometimes

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