Love, XXX

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Warning: If you can't handle close friends teasing or pranking each other, this story isn't for you.

Dear Caleb,

I like you.

I'm sorry that I don't have the courage to say this to your face but I just had to tell you before graduation. I'll be waiting under the maple tree by the football field after school if you have a response.


A love letter?!

I stare in awe at the note in my grasp that happened to be tucked into the crack of my locker. The cursive writing, the pink paper and a girl claiming to like me? I can't believe it. I've never been Mr. Popular in the dating department so the idea of any girl confessing to me is, well, pure insanity.

Not to mention she said graduation, she's a senior?! I could get an older girlfriend. I try to think of how many senior girls I know, which is a lot actually. I have plenty of friends so I have absolutely no clue who this girl could be.

This can't be happening. It's not real. There's no way a girl is writing me a love note, confession, whatever one wants to call it!

"What do we have here?"

Suddenly, the note is snatched out of my grasp without consent. I shout, spinning on my heel to find who stole my paper. I'm not at all surprised to see DJ, my best friend since practically diapers, reading over the note with a shocked but still amused expression.

"What desperate girl wrote this?" DJ snickers, holding the paper above his head when I try to snatch it out of his grasp.

Damn it, being short is the worst! DJ makes sure to rub in our height difference all the time too, freaking over six foot tall sophomore, what the hell? That should be illegal! Puberty rammed into him like a mac truck! Lucky bastard.

"This girl obviously has great taste," I growl while trying to get the letter back. "If she likes me she has to be cool."

"Oh, are we teasing Caleb again? Nice, hand that over!" Yet another voice chimes in, this time it's Sam who takes the letter to read. While he isn't a freakishly tall giant like DJ he's still taller than my 5'5 self. Fuck genetics, it's my mom's fault, freaking five feet tall. "Who the hell writes a love note now days? Was that ever a thing? And to Caleb of all people!"

"Screw you guys, give it back!"

"Are you going to meet up with her?" Sam sneers, waving the letter before my eyes then holding it above his head much like DJ did.

"Of course I am!"

"He's that desperate for a girl," DJ laughs, shaking his head at me until I elbow him in the gut. He grunts at the unexpected hit then complains under his breath about how all short people are angry. Of course we are, the world is not made for short people! Everything is difficult!

"No, I don't even know who it is but the least I can do is meet her," I explain after Sam finally hands the letter back to me. Once it's safe within my grasp I put it into my folder for safe keeping. "She probably worked up a lot of courage to write this. I should say hi to her-"

"Possibly set up a date, some cuddling while watching a movie then holding hands and no more than that because Caleb's knowledge stops there." Sam cackles earning himself an agreeing nod from DJ.

My face warms up at his teasing. So what if not all of us are good with the ladies? Maybe I don't want to know more than that! Wait, yes I do, who the fuck am I kidding? I can't even lie to myself, whatever, that isn't the point!

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