Chapter 3

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A flash of crimson snagged on a branch caught his vision. Paddling towards the hunter, Eren gripped the cloth, yanking it off. He tried to keep afloat with the other man, but the hunter was too heavy, causing them both to drown. And with the water rushing so quickly, it was impossible to try and remove the man's gear.

Eren couldn't believe the hunter had just thrown him into the river with barely any warning. He was a strong swimmer, but the current was too powerful. It had just rained a few days ago, adding to the vicious torrent. It was impossible to see underwater and the added weight of wet clothes certainly did not help deal with the rushing water. His only chance of navigating the vicious meandering body of water was to change forms. But swimming in his clothes was a bad idea. Tugging the strings of his shirt open, he managed to pull the waterlogged fabric over his head, and immediately shifted form.

It was still difficult to swim, but at least the frigid cold wasn't numbing his senses and his limbs could struggle against the turbulent waters. Fighting against the rush of water, Eren slowly paddled towards the blot of red stuck between two rocks. Nosing the unconscious hunter, he bit down on the crimson fabric, trying not to tear the cloak in his attempts to dislodge the man. It didn't work.

Silently apologizing for what he was about to do, he bit down as gently as possible on the hunter's arm. There was a muted groan of pain as he clamped harder down and pulled. It took a moment, but they were finally free of the rocks. Quickly getting under the hunter's prone body, he followed the current, making his way down the familiar river which forked into separate streams.

Choosing the rightmost stream, the waters had ebbed and waned into something manageable. Recognizing the familiar environment, he shifted back and grasped onto the hunter. Groaning, Eren somehow managed to drag himself and the dark-haired man to the shore. For a man so short, the hunter was extremely heavy and weighed down by waterlogged clothes and equipment.

Grasping for breath, Eren glanced downwards to check on the man he had just saved. He panicked when the man didn't seem to be breathing. The man's skin was cold to the touch and there was a bluish tinge on his lips.

A small part of Eren was relieved, since he wouldn't have to worry about the dark-haired man leaking news of shifters to the outside world. It was troublesome if news leaked that there were shifters hiding in the forest and could lead to unending hunts until they were forced to move. But those hunters they encountered earlier already seemed to know of his existence.

But he was horrified at the thought of killing a human being who had posed no threat... so far. While most shifters were apex predators, they were taught to value life, never taking another life – animal or not – unless it was necessary. There was a distinct possibility that like others before him, the hunter lying in front of him had been commissioned to eradicate him and his village. However, Eren had not detected any bloodlust or ill intent towards him. The dark-haired man had even been surprised and rescued him.

Plus, there was something oddly calming and familiar about the dark-haired hunter's scent.

Hoping he wouldn't come to regret saving the man, Eren shifted back into human form and began compressions on the hunter's chest, hoping to force the water out. Unable to resist, he pressed his lips to pale cool ones, breathing air into the man's lungs, as he worked. Even cool to the touch, Eren couldn't help but appreciate how soft they were against his. He certainly would not mind kissing the hunter again. Shaking off the lurid thought, Eren restarted his compressions. The hunter began to convulse a moment later, coughing up mouthfuls of water. The man began to breathe easier when there was no more liquid in his lungs, but he was still unconscious and shivering in the cold.

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