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    Him asking me that question, felt like a dream come true. We've been together for years; since senior year, broke up, and found our way back to each other. I couldn't be anymore happier. I felt tears of joy rolling down my cheeks.

"Of course!" I exclaimed, after I felt like I've been quiet for too long. "Of course, I'll marry you, babe"

   The crowd cheered, startling me, as Chresanto slipped the ring in my ring finger. I thought we were the only one here. He picked me up and spinned me around. I laughed. He put me down, grabbing my waist and press his soft, plump lips against mine. I kissed him back instantly. We parted away from each other.

"I love you" He whispered in my ear. "I will always love you."

"That goes the same for you." I smiled, widely.

    My family came over, congratulating us. I blushed every time they mentioned us getting married soon. Soon, they seperated us. They kept asking me questions. I didn't seem to be paying attention. Tequan grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the crowd.

"You okay?" He asked, shaking me. "You look like you about to faint"

I breathed heavily. "Yeah, I'm just feeling nervous"

"For what?" Tequan chuckled. "Roc just proposed, you should be happy"

"I am happy, best believe I am." I chuckled weakly.

"Then, what's wrong?" He furrowed my eyebrows.

I shrugged and lowered my head, playing with my nails. "I'm scared. I feel like I'm taking a big step; which I am. But, I'm ready"

He chuckled. "You didn't have to say yes, if you didn't want to"

"I'm happy I said yes. I wanna be with him," I said, before looking back at him. He was laughing with Ray, Craig, and Jacob. I turned back to Tequan. "Forever."

He pulled me in hug. "And I'll be here if you wanna talk, forever "

I smiled and hugged him back before joining the others. This night is definitely the start of a new chapter.


3 months later

   "I, Ciara Smith, promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, I will love you and honor all until the day I die. I will always love you" I said, truthfully. I was crying.

   Chres wiped the tears from my eyes and smiled at me. He, then, read his vow.

  "Ciara, I take you as you as my wife 'till the I'm in coffin. I will be true and loyal to you all the days of my life. Bad times and good. If injured, imma be there. I will be right by your side.You're all I need, babe" Chres said, finishing up.

"You may now exchange rings." The priest says.

   Hayley's son, Brandon, came down the aisle with rings. Chres and I thanked him; then exchanged rings.

"Now, do you, Chresanto August, take Ciara Smith as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked, looking at Chres.

"I do," He said, smiling.

"And do you, Ciara Smith, take Chresanto August as your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked me.

"I do," I answered, smiling, tears coming out of my eyes.

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