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i want to be like a butterfly

i want to be free

i want to show off my beautiful wings 

and show you my uniqueness 

i want to fly, fly and reach my goals 

and stop setting limits for myself 

i want to be like a tortoise 

Take my time  

Be slowly and patient  

Everything will fall in place one day 

these no need to rush 

i will not miss the best part 

i will reach my destination 

and i will have plenty stories to tell 

i want to be like a lioness 

rule my own jungle 

stop being afraid about what people will think 

what people will say behind my back 

i want to stop caring about their  opinions 

i have to get out of this self made prison

and carry on with my beautiful story

i want to be like my mother 

she has been through a lot growing up

Life was tough for her 

the world was cruel to her but she is still kind and soft

she has achieved so many things 

she has everything she needs 

she gave birth to three gifted kids 

the first one is stilling finding himself 

the second one had to leave early, she had a short story  

the third one is finishing it and she is also writing her own story

Mother you are a butterfly 

you are free and do whatever you want 

mother you are a tortoise 

you always teach me to be patient and let God be in control 

mother you are a lioness

you rule your own jungle 

mother you are a star 

my role model 

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