January 29th 2018

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1. Its like midnight. My weekend was going great: I was able to watch some Red vs Blue, listen to some music, I got a new Supernatural poster for my room, things were going great... Until about an hour ago when I remembered that my English teacher (Who hates me) set homework last week. And because I'm an idiot I didn't write down what said homework was when it was given out, so when I went to do it, I couldn't remember what it was so I messaged my friends to see if they knew, but because it was like eleven O'clock, they didn't answer so I had to ask this guy I barely speak to which was the most awkward things I've ever done. Now I've been sat here for the last hour researching Irish history (Which is a lot more boring than you would expect). It's been fifteen minutes since I made any actual progress, I'm barely halfway done and I'm tired... It's times like these where I really start questioning my life choices.

2. In English the person that sits opposite me literally said "Stone isn't a material is it?" Why is everyone in my class so much dumber than me?

3. In my science class we had a supply and someone threw something on one of the popular girls (I don't know who it was or what they threw on her, I wasn't paying attention) and she stared chasing them and so they ran out the room and the supply teacher just quietly said "please don't do that'

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