The Repaired Enchantlet

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Soon enough, the royals and unicorns retreated to the Protectors' Castle where James, Axel, Chrysta, and Cody were waiting.

"Thank goodness," Chrysta smiled. "Now we can start making that potion."

"Can we help?" Sofia asked.

"Sure," Chrysta smiled.

"Let's start by getting some water in the cauldron," Cody said. He put enough water into the cauldron.

Each royal helped by handing the fairies the ingredients they asked for. Cody mixed the ingredients together until they were blended. "Okay, the potion is ready," he said. "First, Hugo needs to put his Enchantlet back on."

Chrysta put the broken Enchantlet on Hugo's wrist.

"Okay, hold still," Cody said. He carefully poured the potion onto Hugo's Enchantlet.

"That tickles," giggled Hugo. He saw that the crack on his Enchantlet is gone. He turned his wrist, and the bracelet didn't move.

"See if it works," Cody told him.

Hugo flicked his wrist, and a rope came out—and this time, it didn't disappear. He tested his Enchantlet to see if he can contact Vega.

"Ah, have you fixed Prince Hugo's Enchantlet?" Vega asked.

"We sure did, Chief," Chrysta smiled.

"Great job," Vega smiled.

Once Hugo finished talking to Vega, he said, "Thanks."

"No problem, baby bro," Axel smiled.

"Hugo, I'm really sorry," Amber apologized. "You would've gotten your Enchantlet fixed sooner if I hadn't gone to Azurine's concert."

"It's okay, Amber," Hugo shrugged. "The important thing is I got what I needed. Besides, what you did today wasn't any worse than when you and your friends tried to come between me and Sofia."

Sofia smiled, agreeing with Hugo.

"Well, now that Hugo's Enchantlet is fixed, we should get back to the Ever Realm," Axel said.

"Yeah, Dad is probably wondering why it took us so long to get this done," Hugo agreed.

"Have a safe trip home," Cody smiled.

Once the royals exited the Protectors' Castle, they each got on a unicorn, who flew them down to Albuquerque Palace.

"Thanks for the ride," Sofia smiled.

"No problem," Skye smiled.

"Okay, little brothers, now it's time for us to be heading home," Caleb instructed. He turned to the royals and said, "Until we meet again." Then he and his younger brothers flew back to the Isle of Unicorns.

Suddenly, Garrick showed up. "There you are," he smiled. "So did you get that Enchantlet fixed?"

"We sure did, Dad," Hugo smiled, showing his Enchantlet.

"Great, and judging by how long it took, it must've been hard to get it done," Garrick surmised.

Hugo had already forgiven Amber for not doing what she promised from the start, but he wasn't about to let his father know that. "Well, let's just say we had to take our time," Hugo said.

This was perfect—Hugo was still a Protector of the Ever Realm, and he got his Enchantlet fixed. But he promised himself to be more careful if there was ever an earthquake.

Sofia the First: Enchanting RepairmentWhere stories live. Discover now