Game Theory Merch Contract.
This is a contract to establish the agreement between ____________ and _____________. The agreement was, Mackenzie J. B. must carry out the action listed below for Game Theory Merchendise.
List of actions:
Make sure to have an A to B average in all subjects of school.
Do the dishwasher for two weeks straight (without half-assing it).
Deal with all house hold garbage and take it out on the weekends regardless of whose turn it is.
Do the cat box when the sister refuses to.
Carry out the duties of the "Dog Watcher" and take care of the little niblet.
Do and carry out the requests of what the parents ask of her not matter the consequences.
Do her best for all things she does.
30 sit-ups a day with out fail or contract is broken.
This will last for the month of February and onward starting 2/1/2018 until end notice is posted. If failed the contract will be terminated and parent __________ will have free will over the merch that has been requested for.
____________ and ___________
Night Time Talks with Luna
RandomYou don't have to read this, but, this is me writing about stupid stuff that goes on in my head at night. I will explode if I don't get this shit off my chest. anyways, if you relate to me, you'll totally get what I mean in any of these. Warning: So...