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I glanced at Isabelle using my hand to cover my mouth to hide my smile. She actually called me Bec. I'm sure the real Bec would be anything but pleased. I quickly collected myself as I pinched my brow. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I was quickly restrained.

"Hey! What the hell?!" I say as I turn to look at who it was that gave the order when I find myself staring at the most bizarre thing causing me to choke on my own spit. Standing not too far from me was a man with blue eyes and the bushiest eyebrows I have ever seen in the 20 years of my life.

I snort struggling not to laugh as I stared at him. I looked to the side trying to calm down. After all, out of sight out of mind. "If you're gonna laugh, you might as well instead of suffocating," Levi said from the side. I could hear him rolling his eyes which I usually would have retaliated but his words remind me of a similar situation that had happened.

Around 2 years ago, the military police were doing their usual rounds when one of them tripped and fell ripping their pants in the process. We then got to see a full view of their heart patterned underwear with their name embroidered in.

The adults could all turn away and ignore it but not everyone could as we heard the sounds of suppressed laughter next to us. The MP that had fallen got up angrily only to slip again the person next to us turned away trying not to laugh. The MP started yelling ordering them to turn around. They turned, trying to keep their composure as they faced the officers. Finally, in the end, they decided to hold their breath. 

The officer on the ground tried to stand and immediately fell once more. The other MPs with them started laughing. The person beside standing next to us face went red then purple then blue then white before they promptly fainted.

Remembering this along with the current situation made me burst out in laughter. I gasped for breath as I laughed, tears gathering at the corner of my eyes. After some time, I finally stopped, struggling for air only to realize I was lying on the ground unrestrained. I took slow breaths getting my breathing back to normal and calming myself down as much as possible a loose giggle escaping every once in a while.

I cleared my throat finally turning to face the man once again snorting but not laughing. From behind him, I heard them whisper about me being just like someone named Hanji. I brushed myself off and shot him a small smile. "Sorry you had to see that. I'm not sure what came over me. May I please know why these three are being treated like animals?"

"We will let you know but could you please come with us?"

"Um..." I looked over at the three something glimmering in their eyes as they looked at me waiting, expecting. Seems like they had a plan and even thought I don't know what it is, I'll do what I can to help. "Ok, I guess."

 I contained my confusion and walked with them. There was a cart waiting to pick us up. Levi had been left as he which I'm sure was uncomfortable but he was impulsive when he got angry and right now he looked absolutely pissed. If I untied him, he would make an attempt at Commander Eyebrows (writing this with a straight face hehe) and then not only will he get tied up again, any chances at freedom would be taken away.

So instead of looking at him I turned and looked instead at the soldiers sitting opposite me. It had been too hectic earlier so I hadn't noticed before the uniforms they wore. As I stared at the emblem of the wing on the jacket, I felt a strong wave of emotion running through me but the most prominent were the anger and sadness.

I suppressed them and forced a smile trying to strike up a conversation. "I never caught your name." Commander Brows cleared his throat replying to me." I'm Erwin Smith, a member of the Scout Regiment."

"Wings of freedom and all that?"


'They sure aren't doing a whole lot of freeing are they'

I looked to the side as we left the city for who knows how. I fell into a daze as the houses flashed by.


I looked around not recognizing where I was. I was in a strange room that felt familiar but I had never seen any of these strange contraptions. My eyes were drawn to reflective walls that showed a moving picture of...me?

I turned my head hearing movement. I froze thinking the man had spotted me but it seemed he couldn't see me. I flinched when a piercing sound suddenly sounded. I covered my ears frowning while the male on the white coat stood looking around with a frown.

He went up to the reflective screen and changed it so it no longer showed me in the cart but instead multiply small images of people running around. He pushed a button and soon a pale woman with bright yellow hair that was pulled back tight entered the room.

She was wearing similar white garments as the man and was holding a stiff board in her hand that had a metal clamp and paper on it. She pushed up her black-framed glasses stopping not too far from him.

"You called sir?" Her voice was leveled and soothing but it held a coldness that was under the skin. She sounded calm despite the blaring noise in the background. "Why are the alarms going off? I thought you fixed that issue long ago."

"Sir, it seems like an unidentified person has entered the facility. We are still trying to see how they managed to bypass our safety measures."

"Where are the security guards?"

"Gone. No one has seen since about," She checked her wrist looking at a metal band with a flat circle connected to it. "6 minutes ago when the alarms first went off."

"Have the protective measure turned on. Is the building secured?"

"I turned it on as soon as I noticed something was wrong."

I blinked as my vision began going hazy. Looking at the two as they talked, I felt something begin nagging me. I swore I knew them but it was like I couldn't grasp the memory.

"You know what to do?"

"Yes, sir." She left the room the door shutting behind her. The man looked pensive as he stared at the screen that was currently black. He turned and looked right at me. His face went slack and his look of surprise was the last thing I remembered as I went back to. . .reality?

TIME LOOP ||(Levi x Titan shifter!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now