Chapter 1: In The Beginning

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A beautiful young lady, by the name of Padme, quietly spoke.“Their names will be Leia
and Luke.” She says in pain, “I want them to live with their father.” 

“Are you sure,” An old friend, named Obi-Wan Kenobi spoke softly, hoping she’ll say no. 

“Yes,” She answered after a moment of silence, “Will you bring them to him?” 

“Of course,” He replied. 

Meanwhile, on the other side of the galaxy, on the volcanic planet, Mustafar, Anakin Skywalker,
somehow recovers from his battle against Obi-Wan. However, now he goes by a different name,
Darth Vader. Vader was told he killed Padme in his anger, not knowing she delivered two children.  

At the same time, Obi-Wan arrives at Mustafar, where Vader should be. Then a voice came from his
radio transceiver.“Come in, you are in an unauthorized vehicle. Please state your business.” 

“I'm a friend of Vader’s. I bring important news, and need to see Vader as soon as possible.” Obi-Wan

“Okay, I'll send him out right away. You may use landing pad number 15.” 

Surprised he didn't need to use a Jedi mind trick Obi-Wan pulls his long hood over his head, and
walks with his head down, so his face is not visible. While holding the newborn twins, he
walks out of his ship, and towards who he knows as Anakin Skywalker. 

“Padme wanted them to live with you.” Obi-Wan spoke without looking up, “Their names are 
Luke and Leia.” 

“Padme?” Vader said in confusion. 

“She died giving birth to them. Just promise me you won’t do anything she wouldn’t want you 
to do.” 

“I promise.” Vader replied, understanding the situation. 

Obi-Wan handed his old friend Luke and Leia, looking up only to make sure they were still 
asleep, and started heading towards his ship. Vader gazed down upon the babies in his arms 
and whispered quietly, “I promise.” 


Sorry it was pretty short, I want to make the chapters get longer. That was my first writing piece other
than school work. Please tell me if you liked it, and give me advice.


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