2 ; two-faced

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"alright mr. dolan, would you mind taking a seat? and don't be late next time, got it?" the teacher demanded.
"will do," he smirked.
everyone's eyes were on ethan, and i knew he liked it. the way he smirked, then slowly walked up the stairs explained his lust for attention.

the whole classroom was almost full now. ethan seemed like the type to be at the front, purposely disturbing the teacher. unfortunately, there was only seats in the back, near me. there was a few seats beside me, and i was expecting him to choose the furthest one away from me.
"hey," i heard a voice whisper beside me.
"oh, h-hey," i stuttered.
"you're riley right?" he questioned.
he knew my name? the most popular, and not to mention the hottest, boy in my school was sitting beside me, and he knew who i was. i've always been quiet and kept things to myself, but some how this boy knew me.
"uh- yeah. you're ethan?"
"yeah," he chuckled.
i suspected that he was just talking to me to get into my pants. he probably wants to fuck every girl in this classroom, i mean nothing to him.

"ok class, today we're going to start off with our project, and not to mention group project! this will allow you guys to get to know each other better," the teacher announced.
although i didn't know anyone here, i was hoping mr. drew would pick our groups for us. i could feel ethan's eyes roaming up and down my body. the last person i wanted in my group was that boy.
"i'll call names randomly. groups will be up to three people," mr drew yelled before picking up the class list.
"julie, kaden and luke are the first group. next, riley, ethan and jonathan," he spoke.
my heart had dropped. i was in a group with ethan.
"well would you look at that!" ethan said to me. "we're in a group together."
i just nodded and smiled, i couldn't let him know how anxious i was about this. i wanted to just disappear.

mr. drew called out the rest of the groups, and let us start planning what we wanted to do for our project.
i didn't expect ethan to be very smart, but god he was. he knew just about everything, and completely took control of our project. the way he spoke, and how his eyes and hair moved, it was attractive. very attractive.
"what about you riley? you have any ideas?" ethan questioned was a smile. not only was this boy intelligent, attractive, and cute, but had a welcoming smile. just by those words, i knew he had a kind heart.
but how is he a nymphomaniac? he seems like he would care about any girl he is with. he seems like the type to fall head over heals for a girl and stay with her forever.  but i couldn't trick myself into thinking he's a good person. he probably does this to make girls like them, then when he gets them too easily gives them up.
"yeah we would do the title something like this, then the paragraphs spread around the bottom," i said. i felt the feeling of ethan watching me again. it wasn't something i've ever felt before. it made my heart pound, my lips tingle, and my breathing became faster.
jonathan, ethan and i added some more ideas and wrote them down.
"well since we don't have class time to work on this, why don't you guys come to my house tomorrow?" ethan asked.

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