Chapter 16: AJ

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"Remember what I said." I whispered to Moni as we went into the house. Destinee came with us to our house to chill. 

"I got it." I scoffed. "Do the same with Alissa." 

"I got it." He mocked me. 

"Y'all house is so beautiful." Destinee looked around in awe. 

"Thanks Des." Roc smiles. 

"So y'all girls stay here?" She asked.

"Yup." Sky replied before she went upstairs with her bags. 

"How did that happen? Did y'all ask the Make-A-Wish Foundation or something?" 

"No." Moni laughed. "What's that?" 

"Y'all are acting very weird. First, you talk funny and now you don't know what the Make-A-Wish Foundation is!" She looks at Moni and Alissa suspiciously. 

"Sorry that we've lived under a rock for so many years." Alissa shrugged. 

"We don't talk weird. In fact, the way you talk weird! With all the slang spewing out of that thing you call a mouth! Just because you've never heard anyone speak the way we do, doesn't mean that we talk weird! If we don't know what the Make-A-Wish Foundation is, who cares?!?!" Moni exploded. 

Hey, I don't blame Moni for exploding on Destinee. I mean it's been like this the whole ride home. I'm sure she's sick of it. 

"Moni! She's a guest here!" Roc defended. 

"Oh and that means that I can allow her to talk about me and my friends any type of way?!" Moni retorted. 

"Girl, I'm just saying what's on my mind. That's all." Destinee put her arms up in surrender.

"Well sometimes, it's better to keep things like this to yourself. You don't know me! You don't know what I'm going to do or how I react." Moni tilted her head to the side. 

"Come on Moni, now isn't the time to fight." Alissa tried to step in. 

"Was that a threat, bitch?!" Destinee stepped up to Moni. 

"Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. But since you're feeling so froggy, jump!" Moni got in her face. Alissa held her back. 

"Come on, Moni. Let's go upstairs." Alissa led Moni upstairs. 

"No Alissa, this girl has been doing this all through the ride here talking about how I talk, how I look, what I know, and she's been flirting with my man!" Moni covered her mouth at the last part. She turned red and scurried upstairs with Alissa.

"Man? What man?" Destinee scrunched up her face. 

"I could've sworn that she was single." Roc raised his eyebrow.

"She is, fool..." I shook my head and rolled my eyes as I went upstairs. Roc can be very slow at times I swear. 

"Then who's her man?" Destinee asked. As I walk further up the stairs, I hear crying. 

"It just came out!" Moni sobbed. "I'm so stupid. It's obvious that he likes her." 

"Girl, why are you crying over a guy? He's not worth a single tear. It's his loss if he doesn't like you back and if he wants to protect that rude girl and not you." Alissa stroked her hair. I came into Prince and Alissa's room and closed the door. 

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