You Were Meant for Me (BoyXBoy)

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Hey!!!!!! This is my first story so be nice ^.^ I'm new here so I would like for you to tell me how to make it better or any spelling mistakes. Oh yeah also Comment O.O 

Here it is Chapter 1 of (You were meant for me)!!!!!!! 

Picture of Seeley on the right!!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


~ Seeley~ 

I looked up to to my new school for the first time scared to go in. Mostly because I'm a senior and gay. I had to move from my last school, because the bullies would get more serious each day after I came out of the closet. I wasn't that bad at first with people calling me rude name, but it grew to me getting ganged up and...... I think you know the rest. 

"Hey are you going to get out?" 

I looked over to my dad and nodded to him while giving him a scared look. 

He sighed. "I know you don't want what happened to you at the last school to happen to this one, but look at the bright side. No one knows who you are here and I bet they won't mess with you here. You're huge." 

I smiled at my dad and got out. He was right though; I was the biggest and strongest man at my school, but when you turn out gay, everything changes. Also I didn't want to fight.... curse you nice me. I wasn't that bad looking. I had light brown hair which today I spiked some. I had light drown eyes with a little tan skin, but not very much. I decided to wear a silk jacket, blue shirt and black pants. With no other than converse for shoes. 

While walking up to the doors, I started to talk to my self. "OK just act like your weird, goofy self and you will make lots of friends! YEAH I can do this, no prob. They don't know you are gay? He he...nope I'm leaving." I stopped and turned around when a small person ran into me and fell. 

"Awwwww my fucking ass y-you big piece of crap. Watch where you are going!!!!!!! Plus why did you hit a girl for? hmmmmmmm!" 

Oh for some reason that made me click..who are you calling an ass you short stick with a wig, and I di-" 

"Are you going to help me up or keep talking?" the girl asked me with her hand in the air. I grabbed it quickly to help her up and she started to talk to me. "By the way you look you are new. 1 is that you talked back to me, and no one has ever done that..... I love it!!!!! 2 is that I know everyone here and I have never seen you before. 3 is that you are totally hot!" 

I was starting to get uncomfortable seeing that a girl was checking me out.. "Well anyway my name is Kacey and your now my best friend!" I just looked at her weird shaking my head. She had black hair that suited her well, with dark brown eyes. She also had slightly tan skin...she was really pretty. Then she wrapped her arm in mine and started to drag me in the school. To be telling you the truth I hate being bossed around. So I stopped her In the middle of a row of lockers and took my arm back saying to her, "Who the hell do you think you are? I have to find my class! 

I was about to leave when she screamed like a man with a knife was after her. Then she started to hug me in a hug that I didn't know a girl her size could give saying, "OMG you are the boldest man I know I lovve ittt!!!" I just rolled my eyes laughing thinking to my self that she might not be a bad friend to have. "So what is your name anyway?" she said to me letting me go. 

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