4th QTr

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It's the first day of 4th qtr and the whole batch practiced for our dance for 3 hours then discussion yeh then when it was home room our advisers said to go to grade 5 courage so we practiced while I was practicing ally was responsible to see who was noisy so she was in front and I will perform at the front and the person beside me was absent so she went beside me while I was dancing and I really felt embarrased because I was dancing and she was beside me and Sammy laughed haha I got irritated I mean do we you get the feeling that you just want to walk out of class because your crush saw you dancing I completely frozed and if any of my classmates See's this don't spread it pls I beg you
And yes I know it's very chezzy

It's Thursday a nother practice for our fieldemo and it's lunch now me and Sammy are done eating so we went back up and I showed Sammy the invisible marker and we ended up drawing mustaches and random things on our face and olen my classmate borrowed it and lighted my table and she saw a word also when it was Wednesday i had a group project and Sammy saw my USB file which was embarrassing and it was in a USB because my cousin dared me to type something and I'm not saying it and yup that's it

Friday sucks because the whole day was just practice And at lunch time what was so annoying is that some of my classmates are looking for the ink of the invisible pen in my stuff and people tease me about ally while she is there also alex your dead because you started this then while it was practice time there was a part where I was in front of her and some people were teasing me
The whole batch knew exept for Christine and Sam
And some people in 5 courage then when it was dissmisal I was with aiaki we went back up and played then I saw Ally's water jug in the classroom I want to get it but I didnt so a bus mate of Ally's got it then I went home

It's Tuesday and I got late again wow
We practiced and some of the people like sofia( Bella g, Sophia)
Said I got rejected and meh

It's wednesday
I still went to school late I practiced then it was lunch I went to the classroom
And my classmates said to ally what I told about her

And she got weirded out

It's Friday \ fair day and I am with Venice and we rode a lot of rides then I switched with Alex we rode some rides and now we are at the jail booth then camilla

It's Sunday night already and 23people were partying in my house then since my sister was a blobber mouth she said I had a crush on a girl but it's ok because he is not against LGBT then the party ended at 1:00pm

It's Tuesday well nothing really happened exept being teased by my classmates and when it was Filipino time my sisters batch mates took some used Manila papers and one of those were my group mates work so yaand I just bought a valentine heart thing and everyone was asking for who was that for and it was really for my mom

It's wednesday and bought a heart and I wrote I love you then a lot ofeople asked who was this for

I am getting sick of this grouping it's always with ally(no offense)

We p!ayed truth or dare and I picked truth and they asked me who was I with and obviously you Know my answer and I singed and felt shy but I don't have a crush on ally anymore
I went to Cavite hospital and saw my grand grand mother with eight types of dextrose and she has tons of illness like accoma and nemonia then I slept for two hours then I went on a trip to Baguio for 11 hours and I'm still in the van
Finally I'm in the hotel and it's pretty classy then stayed in there for a few minutes then went to this restaurant called hill station and I ate seafood carbonara which tasted good then drank coffee then went back to the hotel to sleep

Good morning
I woke up in Baguio hotel feeling good and away from all the heaviness of my life I ate breakfast then went to strawberry picking in benguet and I saw a strawberry that looked like a but then buyed it then went to a museum full of weird art then we ate atthis restaurant and it tastes like nothing
I heard that my Lola is dead

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