Concentration and the Knowledge

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"Y/n, y/n~ wakey wakey sleepy girl", Gab sang poking Y/n's forehead grinning like a mad man, as she opened her eyes she slapped his hand away and rolled back onto her side letting out a sigh of frustration. Gab could just feel the sadness radiating off of the poor girl.

"Go away, please I don't feel like doing anything today", she whispers sadly closing her eyes again. Gab frowns and desides that maybe this was a talk that she and Cas needed, not the immature Ark Angel who has a stash of Lollypops in his coat pocket. Sighing he got up and went to fetch his brother.

Gabriel's P.O.V

I walk down the hallway with my back arched and head hungry low. Walking into the library I catch the attention of Sam and Cas who previously had their faces noise deep in a book.

"Brother you look down", Cas stated.

"Y/n... She's so sad, Cas... I can't", I managed choke out. Cas frowned and looked down avoiding any possible eye contact with Sam, he didnt have to worry about me my eyes tightly shut.

No ones P.O.V
It was quiet until the Sam spoke up, "Poor girl lost her brother yesterday what do you expect", Cas looked up as Gab fluttered away to God knows where.

"I dont know Sam", just as Cas speaks Y/n walks into the room dressed in a white top, flannel tied around her waist and black skiny jeans with her duffel bag tucked under her arm. Her stoic eyes scanned the room and then landed on Cas who was looking at her with his typical confused stare. She gives him a weak smile and Sam sighs he knows where this leads.

"I'm heading out, I checked my phone.. I found a job", she stated, started towards the door. Cas starts to protest, but she's held back by a hand on shoulder. She turns around to come face to face with a straight faced Dean.

They look eachother dead in the eyes for 30 seconds before Dean speaks up, "no, just no, your staying here".

"Make me, I dare you", she challenges. Cas takes his place next to Dean with a small frown.

"I feel as if being in the the emotional state you are in Y/n, it is not wise to hunt", Cas tries. She just shakes her and smiles. Cas' eye beg her to stay, to be safe, she sighs and looks into his eyes.

"Cas... Please I feel so... So...", she starts but stops because her voice starts to qwivver. Cas takes her in his arms, she lays her head on his chest and lets out a shaky breath. He mumbles comforting word with his face burried in her h/c hair. With that he leads her back to her room, in the process her duffel bag slips out of her grip and onto the floor with a thud. The contence spills out onto the floor as the two turn around.
Dean's eyes grow wide with amazement, he bends down to pick up a Katana. He studies the symbols carved into the strong metal. His eyes widen even more as he notices the all to familiar patterns, a demon bleached Katana? His mouth drops open as he picks up another the same except its blade is golden, with angel code covering it's silver handle.

"This... This shit is so damn cool, where'd you get all this", Dean laughs loudly gestering to the bag full of powerful blades and other weapons. She just smiles sadly and bends down to help clean up.

"Some were Matt's, but... Yeah", she sighed and picked up a hand gun with a diamond in crusted in the bass of the handle. "This one was Matt's". Dean nods and smiles kindly placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You into weapons, you have to see my guns", Dean grins excitedly. Y/n raises an eyebrow and looks at his 'Gun's.

"Yeah there pretty nice, but I have better", she smirks. Dean follows her gaze and laughs.

"Well come on then", he shouts standing up with a smile, "let's see what you've got princess", she smiles and stands as well. They fight over who's stronger for awhile till they decide on a arm wrestle.

"Ready Dean", Y/n coes Dean rolls his mossy green eye and retaliates with a simple...

"Ready princess", she gives him a quick nod and a cheeky smirk.

"You know what, I'm not sticking around for this, you two are like children", Sam laughs frustratedly. They both watch him walk into the kitchen, "Hey Cas could hold our hands still, you count and let go on three", Dean asks.

Cas grabs there intertwined hands and starts to count down.

"One, two, three..." And with that the two start as Cas continues to count down, "four, five, six, seven.." And so on.

The two wrestle for awhile. Dean stares Y/n down with narrow eyes, she smirks and closes her eyes Dean raises an eyebrow, as she tightens her eyes.

‎She concentrates on her breathing and the movement of her arms muscles. She lets put a steady breath as both their arms start to shake.

‎After awhile Cas is still counting, "four hundred and forty two", and the two hunter are still going. Deans brown thick with sweat, and his teeth clapped tightly. Y/n? Well she was doing fine absolutely fine, no sweat, no stress. No movement except for Dean's trembling arm and his shuttle pained face.

‎There was a loud bang and as two hands feel to the table. Deans mouth feel open as Y/n grins cheekily ear to ear.

‎"Wait what... What", Dean mumbles staring her down.

‎"Concentration the best weapon along with knowledge and maybe a little strength", she laughs as Dean stands and walks away up the stairs and out the door. She turns towards the counting angel, "Cas buddy you can stop".

‎"Oh thank god", Cas exhales. Y/n laughs and walks to her room feeling better than before...

Authors note.
Hiiiiiii well sorry if its badly written its late where I am and I'm a tired baby so byyyye🐍🐍🐍

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