chapter three: problems.

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 hey guys :D so i logged on and saw how many reads this has and i almost died even though it's only like 148 i was really happy (: i didn't think anyone would read this to be honest with you ^____^ and i'm going down to the beach this weekend until tuesday with my family so i won't be updating until next wednesday :( i know </3 


"Louis," I hear my name whispered. I don't want to wake up right now. Who the hell is that anyway? Don't people know I hate getting woken up in the morning? "Louis," Darn that stupid voice it won't go away. I wrap my arms tighter around whatever the heck is in my arms. Whatever it is it's warm and smells really good. I sigh contently and a faint smiles crosses my lips. "That was really kind of cute," The voice whispers. I feel something warm brush across my forehead followed by tingles. That can only mean one thing. Niall just touched me.

"Ni?" I yawn out his name, snuggling closer to his warmpth.

"Louis, it's almost noon. You don't want to sleep away our vacation, do you?"

I sigh. No, no I don't. As nice as it would be to stay here and lie in Niall's arms for the next seven days, I have a feeling he has better plans. As long as I'm with him, though, we could be floating through space and I'd be happy. "I'm coming," I mumble. I feel Niall's chest rising and falling beneath me with every breath he takes. It's strangely calming in a way.



"It's been fifteen minutes since you said you were coming," I laugh at what Niall says.

"That's what she said," I open my eyes and smile up at him like an idiot.

"Shut up," Niall tries to sound upset but he's smiling too. A slight blush makes its way across his cheeks and I feel the sudden urge to press my lips to his. I stop laughing and Niall looks at me, an eyebrow raised.

"I need a shower," I say, standing and walking to the bathroom. I ignore the confused look on Niall's face and close the door behind myself. I strip off my clothes and throw them on the floor before hopping into the tub and turning the water on. The cold water hits me and I hiss through my teeth. It's freezing, but it's just what I need to clear my head.

I can't be thinking these things about Niall right now. I can't do something I'll regret. I could lose him forever. I could lose everything. Losing him would make my world pointless and my existence worth nothing. I know that's something a vampire in a chick flick would say, but it's true. I just can't imagine a world without him in it.

Granted, I did live in one before I knew him, didn't I? But I hadn't felt complete, you know? It was like I was searching for something but always coming up just a tiny bit short. Then I laid eyes on him, found out we got stuck together as a band, and voila! Everything fell into place. Sort of.

"Lou?" The door to the bathroom opens. Damn I forgot to lock it.

"Yeah?" I ask, thankful that the shower curtain is a blue sheet and not see-through. I'd die if I had to look at him. I gulp just thinking about his perfect body, his smooth chest, his-


"Exactly," I say outloud. Then I realize what just happened and peek my head around the shower curtain. Niall is sitting on the counter by the sink with his phone in his hands. He's still only in his boxers. "Wait, what?"

"I said," He looks at me quizically. "Harry is being such a dick. What'd you think I was talking about?"

"Nothing," I chew on my bottom lip and force my gaze to stay on his face and to not travel down to his boxers. If I do there's going to be some problems. Okay, not some problems, a lot of problems. "So, what's he doing now?" Niall and Harry have been getting on each other's nerves lately. I don't know what's been going on with them but it's been getting bad. Really bad. To the point where they've been yelling and screaming at each other. Of course, it's not something that the rest of us understand. It's in like code or something. Whatever has been happening between them, I'm happy that it's just Niall here with me. I don't know if I could take them fighting constantly for a week.

"Nothing important," Niall says, texting on his phone. I watch as he punches on the keyboard.

"Be careful, Ni, or you're gonna break your phone." I laugh and lean back around into the shower. I let out a silent sigh to get my body under control and then I shampoo and condition my hair. When I'm done I peak back around and see that Niall is still sitting on the counter. I am not coming out of this shower while he's in here. "Ni?"

"Hmm?" He asks, not looking up from his phone.

"Can you go grab me a new set of clothes?" I ask, praying that he'll do it.

"Yeah, huh," He gets up and walks out of the room, still typing. Who the heck could he possibly be talking to? Is he talking to Harry? For some reason, that really bugs me. A lot. He's on vacation with me and he's talking to Harry on the phone. "Back." Niall walks into the bathroom and places my clothes on the counter. I took too long thinking and now I'm trapped again. Damnit!

"So, why are you in here again?" I ask.

"I need to take a shower too," He says, looking at me warrily. "That's generally what people do in bathrooms in showers. They take showers."

"No duh," I roll my eyes.

"So, are you gonna come out so I can go in or do you want to help me?" Niall sets his phone down and raises an eyebrow teasingly. I gulp and look at the floor. He can't be serious. He's joking. If only he knew the kind of affect that had had on me.

"You can take a shower just fine by yourself," I laugh. "Can you hand me a towel?"

"Why won't you just get out of the shower and grab it? It's right here." He holds it up. Shit. He's right. I could just get up and grab it myself. I need an excuse.

"It's cold...?" It comes out as a question. If he wasn't in here I'd punch the wall because I'm frustrating myself to no end.

"Baby," Niall rolls his eyes and hands me the towel. I use it to block my lower half as I get out of the shower. Just as I'm out I wrap it around my hips. There. Crisis averted. "You good now?" Niall asks, smirking. I mock him and then grab another for my hair. The mirror is steamy and I can't see anything, but I can make out the image of Niall dropping his boxers on the floor and stepping into the shower.

This is going to be a long seven days.

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